Chapter Thirty One

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A/N: Helloo!! So I finally got around to publishing the other fanfic I was working on, please give it a read! I worked really hard on it, it's the reason this fanfic was on hiatus for a month and a half. I'm actually somewhat proud of it, it's not done yet and it kind of lacks description in some parts and there's only a few chapters published but I'm publishing it as I'm rereading it so I can make changes if needed, but there's over 50 chapters all together! So it's a lot longer and more action filled than this fanfic. I'm really into the actiony stuff so I'm really into that fanfic. Please support it as much as you support this fanfic! It's completely different than this one though and it's a lot darker I feel like. It's called "Underworld", you can find it on my profile! :) 


I sighed as I stood in front of my mirror. It was early in the morning the next day. When I got home yesterday, I pretty much stayed in my room the whole time. Today was the day of the funeral. My dad wanted a funeral asap, Jimin and the others asked if I needed them but I told them to go to school. I didn't have to fight with them but I did have to fight with Jimin about it. He wanted to go and be there for me but I refused, he'd already done so much for me, I didn't want him to go because it would take time away from school and I didn't want to be the reason he missed it. 

But after a strong and slightly loud argument over the phone, he finally agreed to go to school but come by the house afterwards. I could hear the chatter from everyone from my mom's jobs downstairs, both the store and restaurant were closed so everyone could attend the funeral. There was even more people coming but not til later. Some family was downstairs but the others would meet us at the cemetery. 

I wore a plain black dress with sleeves that stopped at the elbow. I refused to wear a dress and heals because I hated dressing up like this, but according to my father, it was very expensive and I wasn't allowed to wear anything else than what he got for me. Another reason I didn't want to wear it was because he bought it for me. I didn't want him spending any money on me but I didn't really have a choice. He wasn't really being an asshole, but he was being extremely strict on the matter. Also another reason why I didn't want Jimin to go today. He didn't want me to have any friends go to the funeral, for once, my brother was given the same rule. 

I cleared my throat and straightened my posture as I grabbed my hair straightener and started to straighten my hair. It was rare when I got ready like this. I barely wore make up, but today I did. I was good at make up but hated doing it because it took far too much time, but my father wanted his kids to look their best. 

I didn't see the point in wearing makeup because I'd probably end up crying but I'd do my best to try not to... I had a smokey eye look with black and grey eye shadow but it wasn't super extreme. It was simple. I had wings on my eyes that took forever to do and fake eyelashes on with a little mascara. In fact, my dad bought the make up for me since I didn't have much,  and apparently the eyelashes were a need because unlike my brother, I had short eyelashes. 

"I look ridiculous." I mumbled to myself as I finished straightening my hair. "Going to a funeral, not a dance party, why the hell is he making me do this." I sighed as I unplugged my straightener and ran my fingers through my hair, letting it fall naturally over my shoulders. I sat down on the edge of my bed and slipped the heals on over my feet before I grabbed the handbag he bought for me. I then walked downstairs and looked around at everyone. It was definitely a full house. 

I stopped at the bottom of the stairs when everyone looked at me. God, please look away. I lowered my head and walked into the kitchen, looking at my brother as he leaned against the counter, holding his phone in his hand. "You're giving me your phone when we get there, you're not gonna be on it the entire time like you were at the hospital." I stared at him as I opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. 

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