Chapter Fourteen

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One by one, people were starting to come out on to the deck, some even brought their own chairs so they could sit and watch, just like Jimin and I. We were still holding hands, which I was starting to get used to. All this touchy stuff happened quite often and I was starting not to mind it. 

"You don't get motion sick do you?" Jimin looked at me and I raised a brow, making eye contact with him. 

"As far as I know, no. I've never been on one of these, but we aren't going too far so I'm sure I'll be fine." I smiled and took a drink of my soda, looking away from him. "Do you?" I side eyed him and he chuckled, shaking his head. 

"I do not." He smiled. "You haven't done a lot of things, have you?" 

"Not really, no." I shrugged. He nodded and looked away from me, towards the sky. There was no announcement, so we weren't really sure when the fireworks were going to start going off, but soon enough, they did.

The first one was a big pretty blue one, followed by a purple one. It started off slow, before a bunch started going off. Luckily, for us it wasn't too loud given we were at a distance by now. I couldn't help but watch in amazement, however, Jimin on the other hand, wasn't watching the fireworks. Instead, he was staring at me. But I didn't know, I was too focused on all the different colors in the sky. 

Every so often, Jimin would stare at the fireworks, but his focus was more on me than anything. I giggled softly, watching the fireworks in awe. They were really pretty, and the reflection on the water made it ten times prettier. In all honesty, this was something I'd never seen before. Sure, I've seen fireworks, but never like this. It wasn't a continuous thing when I saw the fireworks. Usually neighbors lit them off and it would be one at a time, nothing like this.... this was.... a lot going off at once. 

The smoke from where the fireworks were being set off was visible, even from this distance. I let go of Jimin's hand and pulled out my phone, but it was only on 10%. I pouted my lip before Jimin handed me his phone. I smiled and took his phone, handing my soda to him as I opened his camera and started to record the fireworks. 

I pulled my knees to my chest, letting my elbows rest against my thighs so I could hold his phone on the top of my knees for more stability. At this point, Jimin wasn't even watching the fireworks anymore, now all of his attention was on me. Still, I didn't notice. 

"They're so pretty." I whispered without actually meaning to. You could probably hear it on the video though, given how close I had the phone to me. After a few minutes, the show was starting to come to an end, and that was pretty obvious, cause it went from tons of fireworks, to a few, to one at a time. 

Once it ended, I stopped the video and handed Jimin his phone while he handed me my soda. The show lasted for a good ten minutes though. A few people seemed to be slightly disappointed with how short it was, even Jimin. 

"They're usually longer than this." He pouted his lip and I looked at him. "I thought it would have been longer." He chuckled nervously. 

I caught on to his nervous chuckle and I shook my head at him. "It was awesome!" I giggled cutely and looked at the sky which looked pretty foggy due to all the smoke. I took the last drink of my soda and got up, throwing the plastic cup away before I returned to Jimin. I looked around and saw the couple we met earlier, holding their husky close. The fireworks weren't too loud for us, so I was sure the dog did really well and didn't get scared. 

Once the ferry returned to the dock, Jimin and I returned our chairs and we got off. Once again, we had to show our tickets, which was slightly confusing but maybe it was a security thing. I handed the worker my ticket after Jimin, he scanned it and gave it back to me. Jimin took my hand and we walked down the boardwalk. We saw the couple once again and waved goodbye to them, but the woman patted her husband's arm before she took off her heels and jogged over to us. 

Let's Play a Game.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora