Chapter Two

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Blah, blah, blah... 

This teacher never stops talking. I stared at the chalk board, listening as she explained the subject, repeating herself without knowing it. Was she hungover or something? She's not usually like this, yeah she talks a lot, but never repeats stuff, but today, she was a mess. 

I flipped my pencil in between my fingers, while my head rested in my left hand. I was trying to concentrate on taking notes, but she was making it hard to focus. Or was I just blaming her for not being able to focus on my own? In all honesty, I couldn't get that friend request out of my mind. It was bugging me. Why me? What interest does he have in me? Or does he have one at all? It was just a friend request, maybe it meant nothing. 

I couldn't let this block my train of thought. I reached into my hoodie pocket and grabbed my phone, keeping it hidden under my desk. I unlocked it, opened facebook and declined the request. There, that should clear things up for me. I thought, slipping my phone back into my pocket. I grabbed my pencil off the desk and looked at the chalkboard, writing down a few words, but kept messing up. 

Suddenly, the bell rang, startling me. I jumped slightly and sighed, hiding my face in embarrassment. Already? I shut my binder and stuck it into my bag, throwing the bag over my shoulder and heading out of the classroom. 

In between each class, we had a five minute break, giving us just enough time to use the restroom if we needed, and get to the next class. Like always, I kept my head low, attempting to avoid eye contact with people. I was the quiet girl, I rarely spoke to people... According to Somin, I was mysterious to others. No one here really knew anything about me, not that there was much to know anyways. 

I headed towards the cafeteria to get a bottle of water, as I walked, I reached into my back pocket and grabbed two dollars. When I got to the beverage machine, I put my money in and selected a water, listening as the 20 ounce bottle bumped around in the machine until it banged against the bottom. I reached in and grabbed it, turning around. 

A screech escaped my lips, nearly bumping into Jimin. I quickly stepped back to make a gap between us, though I could feel my backpack pressing against the vending machine, I knew I didn't have much more room. "Jesus, you scared me..." I huffed, clutching the bottle of water in my hand. 

"I noticed." Jimin said. I pursed my lips together and stepped to the side, getting away from the closed in area due to him blocking my path. "Why are you so cruel?" He asked as I had just turned my back to him. 

"Cruel?" I questioned, looking back at him before turning my whole body to face him. 

"Yes, cruel. And you deleted my friend request." He added, pouting his lip like a baby. I glared at him before turning around and trying to walk away. That was until I felt his hand wrap around my wrist. I looked at his hand before making eye contact with him, I stared at him with a blank expression. "Why?" 

"Because. I'm not your friend, I don't befriend guys like you." I narrowed my eyes. 

"Oh, that hurts." He said, his tone sarcastic. I pulled my wrist free from his grip. "Your friend Somin seems to like me." I rolled my eyes at his words and started to walk away. "So why don't you?"

"If you like Somin, then go after her." I sighed softly. "What interest do you suddenly have in me anyways?" I questioned, opening my bottle of water and taking a sip; keeping my eyes locked on him. 

"She's pretty and all... but she puts out too easily. Makes herself available. You on the other hand, never talk to anyone. You play hard to get." He  stepped closer. I shook my head, stepping back as I pulled the bottle away from my lips, swallowing the water.

"No-" I said, putting the cap back on and sticking the bottle of water into the side pocket of my backpack. "I'm not playing anything, I don't like you. You play with girls hearts." I stared at him with a blank expression.  

He gasped,  "I do not." his tone was obviously sarcastic. 

I rolled my eyes, hearing the bell ring again. "I gotta go." I mumbled, turning away from him and walking away. 

"Add me on facebook!" He called out and I shook my head, ignoring him. 

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