Chapter Twenty Eight

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Both mine and Jimin's alarms went off at the same time, I inhaled deeply, breathing in the scent of his cologne. I slowly opened my eyes to find my face against his chest. He laid on his back while I was practically on top of him. I blinked a few times as I lifted my head and looked at him sleeping peacefully through the blaring alarms. I sighed softly as I sat up, gently pressing on his chest as I leaned over him and reached my arm which was tingling from me laying on it as I tapped the dismiss button on his phone, then mine. 

I grabbed my phone, still leaning over Jimin as I scrolled through my notifications, but the light on Jimin's phone drew my attention. I wasn't one to look at someone else's phone but the words on the screen made me curious. It was a message from Yoongi. 

Just don't fuck her over.

I furrowed my brows at the message, curious to know what he was talking about. But it was none of my business so I ignored it and set my phone down as Jimin's phone screen turned off. I sat up and ran my fingers through my hair before looking at Jimin who was still sound asleep. "Jimin." I said softly as I pushed on his side a little bit. He groaned softly but didn't budge. I continued to say his name before he finally woke up. "Get up, we gotta get ready to go to school." I hummed as he opened his eyes and looked at me before rolling on to his side, facing away from me. 

"I will push you off the bed, come on." I said as I climbed over him and got off the bed. I grabbed my clothes I was going to wear and I went to the bathroom, getting changed. After I got dressed, I brushed my hair and returned to my room. Of course, he was still sleeping. "Hey," I tossed my clothes into the hamper before gently rolling him on to his back before I climbed and sat on top of him. "Jimin." 

I pat his chest with both hands, humming his name. "I'm tired~" He whined as he finally woke up completely, looking at me with his puffy eyes as his hands moved to my thighs. I looked at his hands before clearing my throat and climbing off of him and standing up. 

"So am I but we gotta get ready." I said as I grabbed his hands and pulled him to sit up. "You're hard to wake up." I mumbled as he sat up on his own and stared at me with a soft chuckle. "What?" I straightened my posture as I looked at him. 

"You're in a good mood." He smiled and looked at his phone, grabbing it and reading the message from Yoongi. I shrugged my shoulders at his comment. He puffed his cheeks at the message before he looked at me again. "I have a question." He ran his hand through his hair as he set his phone on his lap. "Why were you on top of me?" He chuckled once. 

"To wake you up." I hummed as I knelt down on the floor and unplugged my phone charger from the wall. "What do you want for breakfast? I'm not sure what we have though. I usually just make a sandwich or toast." I said as I stood up and put my charger in my backpack. 

"Toast is fine." He said as he stood up and stretched, groaning in the process before he grabbed his clothes and went to the bathroom. I followed him out of the room and went downstairs, seeing my brother laying on the couch, watching TV. I raised a brow when I heard noise in the kitchen, I followed the noise and saw my dad making breakfast. 

"Good morning." He smiled when he saw me walk into the kitchen. 

"I didn't know you knew how to work a stove." I mumbled as I opened the fridge and grabbed the milk before grabbing a cup from the cupboard and pouring some. 

"I am a great cook." He huffed as he flipped the bacon. "How'd you sleep?" He asked as I turned and leaned back against the counter, taking a drink of milk. 

"Fine..." I mumbled before walking over to the stove and looking at the bacon. "Don't burn it." I looked at my dad as he rolled his eyes at me, causing me to chuckle softly as I went back to where I was standing. I lifted myself up and sat on the counter, looking around the kitchen, sighing softly. 

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