Chapter Six

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It was 9:42PM, the house was completely silent and I couldn't stop thinking about everything that happened today. Jimin sending me a friend request on facebook, my fight with Somin, Jimin messaging me, a near death experience and a broken phone. I couldn't stop thinking about the woman who gave me fifty dollars because she almost hit me with her car. It was both of our faults, I still felt bad about it. But I didn't know who she was, I'd never even seen her before, so I couldn't give her back her money.

I haven't told anyone about the accident though. The main thing that was bugging me, was I kind of wanted to go to that get together at school. Despite not liking people, I still wanted to tag along. Maybe it would help clear my mind? Either that, or cause me more stress. I didn't want to go because Jimin would think I went because he asked me to. But I did want to go, because I could have died and I wouldn't be on good terms with really anyone, especially my best friend. I mainly wanted to go so I could make up with her. 

I stared at my phone, reading Jimin's message over and over again, debating on if I should go or not. What was the point of hanging out at school anyways? Isn't that people thing? Stop being like this, y/n... just go. It won't hurt you. I thought to myself. I sat up, and messaged Jimin back on facebook. 

Are you guys still at school? I need to get my mind off some shit. 

I hit send, almost immediately regretting it. I set my phone on the bed, looking at the message and waiting for him to reply. He was active 3 minutes ago... I stared at my phone, but when it went from "active 3 minutes ago" to "active now", I took a deep breath. He read my message and after a few seconds, he started typing. 

I yelped, quickly exiting out of the app so I didn't read his message right away. I closed my eyes and laid back on my bed, letting my head hit the pillow. I felt my phone vibrate and as much as I wanted to see what he said, I waited a few minutes so it didn't seem like I was waiting for his reply. 

Two minutes later, I sat back up and looked at his message, reading it through the cracked screen.

Yeah, we're gonna be here til 12. You're coming? :) 

I pursed my lips together and replied. 

Probably. I'll let you know.

I hit send and got up. Probably. More like yeah be there in a bit... I locked my phone and got up, picking out some clothes. I grabbed a pair of black, ripped skinny jeans, a black jacket and a black tank top. I got dressed before I slipped on a pair of combat boots my dad got for me on my birthday last year. After that, I went to the bathroom and turned on the light, looking in the mirror. 

I brushed my long, black hair before I ran my fingers through it, letting it fall naturally. I shut the light off and went back into my room, grabbing my phone, wallet and keys. Man, I really needed to get a bag for all of this. I walked out of my room, shutting my light off before jogging down the stairs and heading outside, locking the front door, before I started to walk to school. I was rushing. Why was I in such a hurry? 

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