Chapter Nineteen

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-A/N: Hello readers! I am so sorry for not updating in such a long time. I've been working on another fanfic that I think you guys might love, it has over 50 chapters for the start but I wanna work on it some more before I do publish it so I have more grounding if I don't update for a while like I did with this fanfic. I'm sorry >.>  it has more action and stuff, which is what I'm more into so I've been more focused on that but I feel bad for making you guys wait so long! Also pretend his hair is black in the gif because I honestly suck at finding gifs so just go with it lmfao 

I promise I'll start writing more for this fanfic :( 

And thank you SOOOOOOOOO much for 4K readers oh my gawd. I didn't think this fanfic would get THAT many reads, thank you so much <3 

Anyway! On to the chapter, enjoy!!! <3


I sat in a chair next to Jimin, looking at the TV and watching the news. I didn't really care for the news and I wanted to change the channel, but there were others in the waiting room, watching and actually paying attention to the news. Namjoon was one of the people who were paying attention. From the corner of my eye, I saw my brother walk down the hall, still staring at his phone like the disrespectful little shit he was. His presence annoyed me. I was still pissed they were here, but if my dad actually keeps his word and pays for the hospital bills and gives us some money, then maybe I'll think about letting them into my good graces again but until I see it, I won't believe it. 

"Are you okay, Y/N?" Jimin asked as he lifted his head from my shoulder and looked at me. I nodded once to him and stared at my brother as he passed the waiting room, disappearing behind the wall. He bit the inside of his cheek and hummed as he thought to himself. "You should go see how you're mom is doing." He looked at me again. 

I nodded again to him and looked at Jungkook and Yoongi, seeing Jungkook asleep with his head on Yoongi's shoulder while Taehyung laid on his lap. I thought it was kind of cute how close they were with one another... I got up and walked to my mom's room, quietly opening the door and stepping inside to see my father sitting on the edge of the bed, while Jina and my mom's boss sat in the chairs in the corner of the room. 

I wasn't really sure what to say or do, I was never good in these situations. I quietly shut the door and leaned against the counter, folding my arms over my chest. "Do you wanna come and talk to her?" My dad asked and I looked at him, raising a brow. 

"She can't hear me." 

"Yes, she can. If you want us to leave the room, we can. But you're gonna talk to her." My dad said with a stern tone as he stood up. Jina and my mom's boss got up and walked out of the room, followed by my dad. I watched as they shut the door, I looked at my mom and walked over to the bed, sitting down and taking her hand into mine. 

"Uh..." I sighed, looking at her. I didn't know what to say or talk about. What would she even want to hear? "So... dad's here but you probably already know that. He promised to pay the bills and give us a couple thousand dollars... Sun-Sin is here too. Him and dad being here annoys me though." I chuckled softly and stared at her. "Please wake up... I don't know what's going on, but Dad already gave the doctors the okay to induce a coma so they can run some tests. I hope everything is okay. After this, please let me get a job so I can help you and so you can rest and not work so hard." I pursed my lip and gently brushed my thumb over her hand. 

"I don't even know if you can hear me. But if you can, I love you and I know that you'll be just fine." I smiled a bit to myself. "Jimin's here too. Along with a few of his friends. Namjoon was the one who brought me here, and the others wanted to come for support I think. I'm not really sure why they wanted to tag along, but they did." I hummed, thinking to myself. What else could I say? "I love you." I added to end the conversation that felt like I was having with myself. 

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