Chapter Ten

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All day long, I've avoided Somin. I was with either Jimin or his friends all day. And whenever I was with Jimin, Somin would walk up to him and flirt with him in front of me. It bugged me, not gonna lie. Because if him and I were actually dating, that tells me that our friendship didn't matter to her and hooking up with a guy is more important. I didn't care she was flirting with Jimin since I didn't even like him that much, but I did however, care about the fact that she would do that to me. 

School had recently ended, and Mr. T told me I got an A on my papers. So I did a lot better than before, I was proud of myself. And finally, I was actually alone. I haven't been alone - actually by myself - since I woke up this morning. I was either with my mom for a few minutes, with Jimin, Teachers, or Jimin's friends. And once again, I was waiting for Jimin. He said he wanted to take me somewhere after school but I wasn't sure where. 

I sat on the curb near the parking lot, out front of school, scrolling through my facebook messages as I waited for him. I decided to text my mom, so I opened my messages. 

Won't be home for a bit longer, I'm gonna hang out with someone for a bit. Let me know when you want me home though.

I hit send and looked around, seeing Jimin's friends hanging out in the same spot they were in this morning. And guess who was with them? Yep... Somin. Of course. By the looks of it, they were probably talking about Jimin and I, considering she kept looking at me and glaring. I sighed and looked away before hearing Jimin's voice behind me, I stood up and turned around. 

"Wow, you actually waited." He chuckled holding his hand out. I raised a brow and slapped his hand, highfiving him. "No- that's not... Give me your bag, I'll carry it for you." He laughed. I pursed my lips together in embarrassment and handed him my backpack. He put the straps over his shoulders and looked over towards his friends. He waved to them and they all waved back, Somin of course turned away to avoid seeing him and I together. 

I rolled my eyes at her before I gave Jimin my full attention. "So where are we going?" I asked, putting my phone in my pocket, feeling it vibrate almost immediately after. I pulled it back out and looked at it, sighing softly. "Actually, raincheck..."

"What's wrong?" Jimin asked, stepping beside me and looking at my phone over my shoulder. 

"My mom wants me home so I can study. She's at work right now but I usually go home and study for two hours right after school otherwise it doesn't get done and I fail classes." I explained, slipping my phone into my back pocket of my jeans as I looked up at Jimin. 

"I could help you study." He offered. "I mean, if not that's fine, we can go there some other time but I just wanna hang out with you." He chuckled softly... was it a nervous chuckle? That's what it sounded like.

I bit my lip before I leaned up and whispered in his ear. "Be careful Park Jimin. You don't want to lose at your own game, do you?" I smirked and started walking home. I didn't bother to grab my bag because I knew, regardless of my words, he was going to follow me anyways. 


Once we got to my house, I unlocked the door and went inside, leaving the door open for Jimin. I went into the kitchen and grabbed two bottles of water, heading back into the living room, standing by Jimin as he shut the front door. I handed him a bottle of water before gesturing towards the stairs, telling him to follow me. "Don't try anything though. I'm serious." I said as I led him upstairs to my room. "You're here to help me study.... not get your dick wet." I didn't bother to look back at him as I opened my bedroom door.

Jimin nearly choked on his water when I said that, he followed me into my room, setting my bag down next to my desk. I sat down at my desk as Jimin sat on my bed. "So what do you even have to work on?" He asked, looking at me as I pulled out my Japanese text books. 

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