Chapter Eleven

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Soon I finished studying. It wasn't a full two hours but I was getting tired. I shut my books and straightened up my desk before I stood up and climbed on to my bed, laying down a foot away from Jimin. I grabbed my phone off of his stomach and sighed, looking through my notifications. "Done already? That wasn't two hours. More like an hour and forty five minutes." He chuckled, looking at me as he rolled on to his side to face me. 

I held my phone above me with both hands as I texted a few of my online friends, answering their messages. "I know but it's close enough." I shrugged, continuing to text. 

"Who's Micheal?" He asked, looking up at my phone. 

"An online friend who lives in America." I said, sending a message to him before I went to another chat and answered someone else. Jimin watched my phone as I texted, I had nothing to hide so I didn't care. Not like I needed to hide anything from him anyways. 

After I answered all of my messages, I locked my phone and rolled on to my side, facing away from Jimin as I curled into a ball, closing my eyes. "You're getting tired again?" He asked and I nodded once. "If you want I can leave so you can sleep." 

"If I sleep now, I'll be up all night... I'm just resting my eyes for a bit then we can go to whatever place you wanted to go to earlier." I mumbled, my face practically buries into my pillow. I heard Jimin mumble 'okay' before I felt his arm wrap around my waist as he got closer to me. "What are you doing?" I groaned in annoyance, putting my hand on his, about to push his arm off of me. 

"Cuddling. Couple shit. That's the rules right?" He asked and I opened my eyes, sighing softly before I moved my hand away from his and let him cuddle up behind me. I was somewhat uncomfortable, but at the same time, I was warm. And... I liked the feeling of his arm wrapped around me. Great... I thought to myself, ignoring the fact that I was cuddling with someone I had no interest in.

I closed my eyes again, Jimin nuzzled the back of my neck. His hand gently brushing up and down my arm, I clenched my jaw before I unlocked my phone again. This time, instead of scrolling through and messages, I decided to scroll through instagram, liking a few pictures and videos in my news feed. However, when there was a meme of Sehun from EXO, I started laughing, it was so hard not to laugh but it was just too funny. 

Jimin looked at me and smiled, hearing my laugh. "Hmm?" He hummed, resting his head on my shoulder as he looked at my phone, I held it closer to him so he could see it and he chuckled, rolling his eyes. "Oh Lord." He said in between chuckles. "Which one is he? I don't know much about EXO." 

"That's Sehun, he's my bias and Lay is my bias wrecker. They attack me and its just-" I finished my sentence with a groan, followed by a giggle, setting my phone back where it was as I continued to scroll through instagram. 

"I understand your pain... Lisa in Blackpink... 'attacks' me and it's frustrating." He laughed and I giggled softly. 

"I like some of their songs, Lisa is probably the only girl I actually stan, aside from Amber Liu." 

"F(x) Amber?" He asked, I confirmed with a nod and he smirks. "Amber's hot." He mumbled and I rolled on to my back, his arm sliding from my side, on to my stomach. 

"I have this one picture of Amber and it's so adorable." I said, going into my camera roll and scrolling through the different albums I had... wow, my camera roll was a mess. I need to clean it up later. I found my photo album of Amber and opened it, scrolling through the different pictures of her until I found the one of her and a llama. 

I tilted my phone a bit so Jimin could see. "Is that a llama?" He laughed and I giggled, nodding. "Cute." He smirked a bit as he stared at my phone. "You have a lot of pictures of a lot of different idols." He mumbled. I nodded in response. Usually I would have found it embarrassing for a guy to see my phone like this but I didn't care. It was Jimin. I didn't care what he knew about me. "Mainly guys." He added and I nodded again.

"Yes, mainly guys." I repeated. "I'm sure you have a bunch of girl idols on your phone." I mumbled, rolling on to my side again. 

"I do not." His tone was sarcastic, I hummed in response, not believing him. "Let's go," He said as he sat up. I locked my phone and looked at him, raising a brow. "Come on, we're going to that one place I wanted to take you earlier." He stood up. 

"Okay...?" I questioned, unsure of what else to say. That was random. I sat up and got off the bed, slipping my phone into my back pocket of my jeans as I grabbed my wallet and house keys. "What place is it anyways?" I asked as he walked out of my room, I followed him as we went downstairs. We walked outside and I shut the front door, locking it as I put my keys and wallet into my hoodie pocket. 

"You'll see~" He smiled, walking off the porch and waiting for me. I walked off the porch and followed by his side as he started to walk away from the house.  

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