Chapter Twenty Seven

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It wasn't too long after the talk I had with Jina when everyone except Jina and Jimin left my house. They wanted to stay longer but since we didn't know when my dad was going to be here, they didn't want to be there when he showed up because they didn't want to put up with getting glared at the whole time. But Jimin was set on staying with me for the night, he didn't want to leave my side which I appreciated but at the same time, I wanted time to myself. 

Though, I knew I wouldn't get any alone time because my brother and dad were going to be here for however long. So I didn't refuse Jimin's self invite. Currently, it was 9PM and Jina was in the kitchen making dinner for us, Sun-Sin and my dad for whenever they got here. According to her, they'd be here within the hour. 

While Jimin and I were still in the living room, he was on his phone while sitting on the couch and I was on the floor, using my laptop while studying and doing the homework Jungkook and Taehyung brought from school. Jimin would occasionally check to see if I needed help with anything. Him and I took turns playing music and it was my turn so we were listening to a piano cover of one of EXO's songs. Jimin thought it was cute how I listened to piano covers more than the actual song itself. 

The sound of the front door opening caused Jimin and I to look over, watching as my father and Sun-Sin walked in through the door. I sighed and turned my attention back to my text book while I flipped my pen in between my fingers, I didn't even bother to greet them. 

"Hey Y/N." Sun-Sin smiled a little bit as he set his bag down on the floor, I looked at him through the corner of my eye before looking at my book again, humming in response to him. He pursed his lips at my response before he grabbed his bag and walked upstairs to his old room. 

"Y/N, don't be rude." My dad said when Sun-Sin finally got upstairs. 

However, I ignored my dad and lifted the text book, leaning back against the couch to show Jimin a math formula that I didn't quite understand. He was better at math than I was so that was something that I did actually need help with, especially since I missed the lesson. Jimin hummed softly as he set his phone down and slid on to the floor next to me, picking up a pencil and writing down the formula and how to use it while he explained it to me. 

I heard my dad sigh as he set his bag on the floor and took his shoes off before he walked into the kitchen to say hello to Jina. I watched as Jimin wrote down the use of the formula but to me it didn't make any sense which caused him to giggle cutely. "Since when does the nerd need help with something?" He looked at me. 

I lifted my head and made eye contact with him before glaring at his comment. "I'm not a nerd!" I groaned in frustration and grabbed the pencil from him before lifting my laptop on to my lap and googling the formula. 

"I was kidding!" He laughed but I just shook my head at him as I started to work out the problem before finally writing down an answer that was more than likely wrong. "You're not cheating are you?" He asked as he looked at my laptop, I shook my head once more. "Not talking about the problem." He mumbled softly and I looked at him. 

"Does it look like I'm cheating?" I asked with a brow raised as I stared blankly at him. "Are you?" I looked at my paper before setting my laptop on the floor and grabbing the homework for history, reading over it. 

"Nope." He shook his head as he looked at his phone.

"Then why ask me if I am?" I hummed in question while staring at the papers. 

"Just curious." He shrugged his shoulders before he laid down on the floor, putting his head on my lap without permission which caused me to groan. 

"Come on, I'm trying to study, something you should be at home doing." I huffed as I moved my arm so it wasn't in his way. 

"Don't be so cold... you know I study at school." He smirked up at me as he played on his phone again. I just shook my head at him as my dad walked into the living room. 

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