Chapter Twenty Five

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When we got to my house, I was hesitant about going in. I didn't want to because I knew what was waiting behind that door. An empty and lonely house. I still didn't believe my mother died, I couldn't even remember the last thing we had a conversation about. "Do you want us to stay with you?" Jimin asked as he brushed his thumb over the top of my hand. His voice was extremely soft, I could barely hear him but I managed to make out what he said. 

I didn't want to be alone but at the same time, that's exactly what I wanted. I couldn't think of a response, and even if I could, I couldn't bring myself to say anything. I just shrugged my shoulders and opened the door, getting out and leaving the door open for Jimin if he was going to follow me. At first he wasn't going to but me leaving the door open for him was an answer to him. 

While I walked up to the door, I heard Jimin talking to the others. "I'm gonna stick with her for a bit, I'll let you know when to come get me." Jimin then shut the car door as I stepped on to my porch and pulled my keys from my pocket. I could hear his footsteps behind me as he jogged to catch up with me. I unlocked the door and opened it, slowly stepping inside while Namjoon drove off. I stepped aside and let Jimin come in before I shut the door, locking it as I kicked off my boots. 

I parted my lips to speak but nothing came out at first. I rubbed my face with the sleeve of my hoodie as I walked upstairs, Jimin following behind me. We walked into my room and I sat down on my bed, looking at Jimin as he shut the bedroom door behind him before he walked over and sat beside me. 

I couldn't even begin to describe how I felt. Everything felt like it hurt, my stomach felt twisted and my heart didn't even feel like it was beating anymore. I felt sick. I wanted to cry but I tried my hardest not to. I didn't like crying, I hated it. Especially crying in front of people. I covered my face with my hands again, closing my eyes tightly in pain because of the lump that remained in my throat. 

"Y/N..." Jimin whispered as he climbed behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his head on my back. "I'm sorry... I wish I could help you." He sighed softly, I shook my head at him as I took a deep breath and pulled my hands from my face, looking around my room with teary eyes. He lifted his head off my back and looked at me in confusion. 

"I'm gonna take a shower and put clean clothes on." I muttered quietly as I put my hands over his and gently removed his arms from my waist as I stood up and walked over to my dresser, kneeling down and going through the drawers. "If you're hungry I'm sure there's food downstairs." I said, grabbing a pair of sweatpants and a t shirt plus underwear of course. I stood up and pushed the drawer shut with my leg, before I turned to look at him, seeing him staring at me. "What?" 

"Nothing it's just..." He hummed before shaking his head. "Nothing, do you want anything to eat?" He asked as he stood up and walked out of my room. I followed behind him and turned into the bathroom, flicking on the lights. 

"I probably won't eat anything, my stomach hurts." I mumbled. "Thank you though." I said before shutting the door. I turned on the water and undressed myself, curious to know why he was staring at me and why he got up and left my room so fast. I looked in the mirror, seeing how red and puffy my face was, I groaned softly as I rubbed it. God, I always looked so gross while crying. I finished undressing as I stepped into the shower and began washing my hair. After that, I washed my body. 

After I showered and stood in there for a few extra minutes, I finally got out and put the clean clothes on before I returned to my room, tossing my clothes into the hamper. I looked at Jimin, making eye contact with him. He made some cup ramen and had a few noodles hanging from his mouth as he sat on my bed. His right cheek was puffed out since it was full of noodles and his eyes were widened, frozen and embarrassed that I walked in at such timing. 

"Is that good?" I asked and he slurped up the noodles, nodding his head as he held the ramen out to me. "I'm fine..." I said as I climbed on to my bed, sitting in the middle of it. He hummed, unable to speak as his mouth was still full as he put the wooden chopsticks holding noodles up to my face. "Jimin, I don't want any." I chuckled softly as I leaned away from the noodles but he narrowed his eyes at me. 

He then tilted his head back to keep noodles from falling out of his mouth as he started to speak. "One bite~" His words was muffled but I understood him. I stared at him with a blank expression before looking at the noddles as he pushed them closer to me. I sighed and leaned forward, taking the bite he was giving to me. He giggled as he watched me eat the noodles, I shook my head at his amusement while I ate. He finished his mouthful of noodles and spoke clearly. "Good huh?" He giggled cutely and I nodded once to him as he took another bite. 

I laid backwards and stared blankly at the ceiling. After a few minutes of listening to Jimin slurp the noodles from the cup, he finally finished. "You eat really loudly." I mumbled softly as I rolled on to my side, facing away from him. 

"It was good though." He smiled as he disposed the empty cup and wooden chopsticks. 

"I could tell..." I grabbed my pillow and wrapped my arms around it, closing my eyes. He turned to look at me before he laid down behind me, wrapping his arm around me. I opened my eyes and looked at his hand before sighing. "You don't have to cuddle up to me, no one is around so we don't have to pretend right now." I muttered. 

"I know I don't have to but I want to." He nuzzled the back of my neck, not caring about my wet hair covering his face.  

"Careful Jimin..." I rolled over slightly so I could look at him as he pulled back a bit. "I think you might lose if you keep this up." I forced a smile and he glared playfully. 

"I won't lose, Y/N. Couple stuff, that's the rules, right?" He asked and I rolled my eyes, turning away from him again. "Besides..." He nuzzled the back of my neck again. "I'm just trying to comfort you and keep your mind busy." I felt his lips curl into a smile, I just shook my head again, closing my eyes as I buried my face into my pillow. "If Jina shows up, I'll wake you up, okay?" He mumbled quietly, I nodded once to him. I didn't have to voice that I wanted to sleep, it was pretty obvious. Despite the fact that my mind was going a mile a minute, I was starting to fall asleep while Jimin played with my hair. Within minutes, I was out like a light. 


A/N: isnt it obvious i cant write when im half asleep? lmfao sorry for the shitty, boring chapter again.... no i didnt proofread, sorry for any mistakes lol but thank you for 5K reads!!!!!!! <3 no gif cause im too sleepy to look for one lol i need to fix my sleep schedule. anyway, goodnight! 

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