Chapter Twenty Three

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It was around 3 in the afternoon, I was in Jimin's bathroom, getting changed into my skinny jeans. I finally rest and I felt a little bit better but not much. I did feel rested, all of us did once we got some sleep. Jungkook and Taehyung were at school but would be back any minute with Namjoon. The only reason they went was to collect everyone's homework, including mine. I walked out of the bathroom, running my fingers through my hair. I sat on the edge of Jimin's bed, putting my boots on. 

Jimin was sitting at his desk, doing something. I wasn't sure exactly what he was doing but I just knew it had to do with music. Hoseok and Yoongi were sitting in the room as well, Hoseok was on the bed but he was on the other side, laying down and watching something on Netflix. Yoongi was sitting on the floor next to Jimin, watching whatever he was doing. And Jin was with Namjoon, Jungkook and Taehyung. 

"No, not that." Yoongi mumbled as he stood up. I looked over at them and watched Yoongi take control of the computer. I chuckled once before looking at my phone. I hadn't gotten any calls or texts yet, so I assumed everything was going okay so far. 

Everyone's eyes including my own shot over to the bedroom door as it flew open and Jimin's brother JiHyun ran into the room. I watched as he leaped on to the bed and sat down between Hoseok and I. "How was school?" Jimin asked as he watched Yoongi before exclaiming when Yoongi changed a setting. 

"What? That's what your supposed to do!" Yoongi groaned. 

"I don't care! I liked it without that!" Jimin protested. "Aish..." He mumbled, smacking the older's hand away from the computer mouse and changing whatever setting Yoongi had changed. 

"It was frustrating and none of you were there so I was alone the whole time." Jihyun mumbled with a huff as he grabbed a pillow and hugged it. I stayed silent, keeping my eyes glued to my phone as I scrolled through social media. Apparently Jihyun went to the same school as us, but I've never seen him before until last night. 

"Y/N is usually alone and she's not complaining." Hoseok added with a playful laugh but I didn't hear him as I was too focused on reading a post on instagram. I felt something poke my back which drew my attention, causing me to turn around, humming in response. "Ain't that right?" 

"What?" I asked before pushing Hoseok's foot away from me. Gross. And I had stinky boot feet. 

"You're usually alone at school." Hoseok repeated and I looked at Jihyun and nodded once. 

"Yeah, before I started hanging out with you guys." 

"She avoids people." Yoongi jumped into the conversation while fighting with Jimin over how to do things. 

"She's also a nerd," Jimin added as he smacked Yoongi's hand again.

"I am not." I looked at him, watching the two of them slap each others hands and shove one another. 

"Nerd." Jimin turned his head to look at me, laughing at the sore expression I had as I stared at him. 

"Fuckboy." I replied as I stuck my tongue out at him and slid off of the bed, on to the floor, my eyes returning to my phone screen as Hoseok and Yoongi oohed at my comeback, even though it wasn't the best, but Jihyun thought it was hilarious as he burst into laughter. 

"You're dating him aren't you?" JiHyun said in between laughs. 

I almost responded with "No" but I stopped myself. "That's besides the point." I replied with a serious voice, liking a few pictures on instagram before I moved over to facebook. The boys in the room started talking about music but I wasn't really paying much attention as I read facebook posts. 

Soon enough, we heard the front door open soon followed by the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs. We all turned our heads to look and see who it was, JiHyun thought it was their parents, but it was just Jungkook, Taehyung, Namjoon and Jin as they walked into the room, one by one. 

The big room seemed a lot smaller with nine people including myself. And it made me feel slightly awkward being the only girl in a room full of eight guys. After they greeted one another, Jungkook and Taehyung handed out everyone's homework, I took mine and thanked them before I sat up straight, setting my phone down and going through it while everyone else just threw it to the side. 

"See, a nerd." Jimin spoke as he stood up, letting Yoongi take full control over the computer. 

"I'm not a nerd for looking to see what I missed. I never miss school so having homework like this is a big deal for me." I mumbled as I scanned through the papers, I had a lot of history to study, same with math and science but the rest were just small things that I could get done within a few minutes. 

"That's a nerd." Hoseok responded to me as the others started laughing in agreement. 

"You're a nerd." I said as I organized the papers with the order I was gonna do them in. 

"I'm the coolest guy in school, what do you mean?" His tone was full of sarcasm as he sat up. 

"Oh please, I'm the coolest and we all know it." Jimin said as he took off his shirt, changing into a clean one.

"Do you ever change in private?" I asked, looking up at him as he stood in front of me, he dropped the dirty shirt on my head but I quickly pulled it off and threw it across the room. "Nasty, I don't want my face smelling like your armpits!" I exclaimed. 

"Neither do I." Yoongi mumbled as he pulled the shirt off of his head, throwing it into the hamper. I looked over at him, my eyes widening before I looked down at the stack of papers. 

"Y/N, when do you wanna go back to the hospital?" Namjoon asked as he sat next to me though he was on the bed. 

I hummed as I looked up at him before looking at my phone, seeing that it was almost 3:30PM. "You just got back so I'm ready to go whenever you feel like leaving." I smiled at him before turning my attention back to the papers. 

"We can go now if you want." Jimin replied, looking at Namjoon and I. I looked up at him as he slipped a clean shirt over his head. 

"Up to Y/N." Namjoon looked at me and I nodded once before I stood up and set my homework on the nightstand. "Who's all going this time?" Namjoon asked as he stood up and walked to the door. 

"I will~" Jin said as he followed behind Namjoon, standing right beside the younger boy. We already knew Jimin was going. 

Hoseok got off the bed and put his shoes on, making it obvious he was going. "I can stay here and finish this." Yoongi said, his eyes glued to the computer screen. 

"We'll stay, that way it's not super crowded like last night." Jungkook said as he pulled Taehyung behind him, sitting on the bed. I looked over at JiHyun to see if he was going but he just smiled at me before looking at the TV. Well, I know he's not going. 

"So just us then?" Namjoon asked, looking around the room as everyone nodded. "Alright, we'll be in the car." He added as he took a hold of Jin's hand and walked out of the room, I watched them as Hoseok followed behind them. Jimin walked to the door and I followed him, walking out of his room as he shut the door. 

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