Chapter Thirteen

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When we got to the ferry dock, we had to wait in line for a few minutes. It was a pretty long line, but it went by pretty fast. Thankfully there was quite a few people working, so it didn't take too long. Jimin paid for our tickets, even though I had offered to pay for my own, he refused. Yes, I remember the fifty bucks the lady that almost hit me with her car had given me. I was trying to save it and add it to the rest of my money, but I didn't want him to feel like he had to pay for me. He wanted to... even though I told him I'd feel bad either way. 

After we got our tickets, we got on to the ferry, handing the tickets to one of the workers. After the worker scanned our tickets, he gave them back to us and gave us the okay to fully board. There were so many people, more people than there are at school... so, I stayed as close as possible to Jimin. Though, I'm sure he thought it was adorable. I was practically clinging to his arm like a little kid. 

Jimin walked around, finding a spot for us to sit. When we noticed there were hardly any seats left, we went outside on to the balcony. There was still quite a few people, but not as bad as the inside. "You're fine, you can let go now..." Jimin giggled cutely and I released my grip from his arm. I looked around as Jimin grabbed two chairs and pulled them towards the rail. "Here," He smiled as he gestured me to sit down. 

"Thank you..." I said quietly as I sat down and looked at the sky. It was already dark, the stars were shining as bright as ever, though because of all the light pollution, some stars weren't as visible as they were near my house, considering at my house, we were kind of away from the city. In fact, it was very rare for me to go into the city this far. Actually, I've never even been this far. 

"Do you want anything to drink?" Jimin asked and I looked at him. "Cola or something?" He added and I nodded softly. "Okay, I'll be right back." He smiled at me and went back inside. I watched him walk away and I took a deep breath, hoping I wouldn't have to talk to anyone. Though, I doubted I would. 

I pulled out my phone and turned the brightness down, looking through my notifications. I had a text from my mom from almost an hour ago, I felt my stomach turn. Oh shit... I read her message and sighed in relief. 

I don't have enough time to stop at home before I go to the restaurant. Is everything okay? You didn't come by the shop today. 

I texted her back. 

Yeah, everything's fine :) I found some ramen in the cupboard earlier, so I'll have that for dinner and then go to bed soon. It's been a long day lol

I hit send, and looked at the time. It was still somewhat earlier, so I didn't have to lie to my mom. Even though I didn't exactly lie, I just didn't tell her where I was or what I was doing. I heard a man yell out, which drew my attention before I saw a Siberian Husky running towards me. It had a leash on, so it must have slipped from his grip. I got off my chair and knelt down on the floor, clapping my hands lightly and making kissing noises to the dog to draw its attention. "Come here baby." I said softly. 

The dog ran up to me, just as happy as ever. It was probably still a young pup, given how hyper is was. I giggled as it practically jumped on me, begging for attention. However, I lost my balance and ended up falling on the floor completely. It didn't hurt though, after all I was already practically on the floor. "Hi there, pretty puppy." I smiled, petting the dog's head as it rolled around on me.

"Thank you so much." The guy said as he finally made it over to us. "I'm sorry about that." He reached down and picked the leash up. 

"It's no problem." I giggled, letting the dog lay in my lap, it caught me off guard though. 

"She seems to like you." He smiled widely. He was probably around the same age as the woman who gave me fifty bucks. What was with all these weird interactions with people I'd never met before? I looked at the guy, nodding once, giggling. 

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