Chapter Sixteen

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By now, almost everyone was at school. Was she really going to try and jump me? Why was my best friend so hellbent on trying to get with Jimin, who obviously had no interest in her, and let that get between us? However, if she tried anything, it wouldn't be the first time. The girl had issues. At one point in time, she'd gotten so hurt by a guy, she wanted to conflict physical pain on others. She always got into fights. But that was a while ago. I still remember the fight she started with a poor girl who had done nothing wrong, I pulled Somin away and got punched in the process. 

But if it came down to it, I knew how to defend myself. Her footsteps sounded closer and I turned around. "Following me now? We don't have the same classes do we?" I asked her with an innocent tone. 

I had stopped walking, staring at her. Man, I had really pissed her off. "You have got to be the biggest bitch I know." She said, stopping in front of me. 

I shrugged at her words. "Probably." 

"Do you ever think about anyone but yourself?" She asked, I sighed and pulled my backpack off the one shoulder it was on and I set it on the ground. 

"Yes, I do actually. I always put people before me, I always try to make others happy before I make myself happy. I have tried countless times to keep you from getting hurt, I have been there for you every single time you gave a guy what he wanted, and he left you. Because that's what you do. You put out in hopes of finding the one, but sleeping around and being a whore isn't the way to do it." I spoke with a somewhat forceful tone, trying to get my point across so she would back off Jimin and his friends. 

At this point, everyone, including Jimin and his friends were staring at us. It was hard not to notice us, after all we were in front of the school, outside where everyone else was. 

That was it. My words had officially set Somin off. She clenched her fist and swung, hitting me in the face. I stumbled but didn't hesitate to retaliate, I didn't take the time to whine over the stinging pain or the feeling of blood drip from my lip. I stood up straight and punched her in the face, a lot harder than she had punched me, before I got as close to her as I could, I put my arm around her chest and stuck my leg behind her leg. With one swift motion, I used my arm and pushed her backwards so she tripped over my leg and fell on the ground. 

Her back hit the ground so hard, she started coughing. She rolled over on to her side, holding her bloody face with one hand and putting the other hand on her back. "Back off of Jimin, and leave his friends alone. I'm sure they don't wanna be with a chick who's hooked up with half the school." I huffed and grabbed my bag, walking into the school. 

A few people rushed to help Somin, while Jimin and his friends rushed to see if I was okay. Which, I was perfectly fine. I'm glad she hit first, because from what I've learned, never throw the first punch, always throw the last. The only thing that didn't feel fine, was my hand. I looked at it, seeing how red my knuckles were from just that one hit. I sighed and shook my hand twice.

"Y/N!" Jimin yelled out from behind me as I walked into the lobby. I stopped and turned to look at him. 

"Holy shit!" Yoongi yelled out as him and the others entered the lobby behind Jimin. I looked at them and raised a brow. 

"I said talk to her, not slam her on the ground!" Namjoon exclaimed. 

"Yeah, where did you even learn to do that?" Jungkook asked. 

I sighed at all the questions and gently wiped the blood off my lip on to the sleeve of my hoodie. "She hit first, I had to defend myself." I shrugged. "And do what?" I asked, taking my eyes off my sleeve and looking at Jungkook. 

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