Chapter Eighteen

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A/N: I'm sorry for not updating! I've been planning some stuff. Hehehehe. >.> anyway, thank you so much for 1K reads and 100 votes. Oh my goodness... hehe. Thank you so much, I'm glad you guys are enjoying this so far. <3 

Okay, on with the chapter. :D


I was slowly waking up. I could hear a few voices, but couldn't open my eyes just yet. I knew I was now laying on my side, and my face was against something. The feeling of my back being rubbed was what finally caused me to open my eyes. I slowly lifted my head from Jimin's chest, looking around to see who was in the room. With one eye open and the other half shut, I saw Jungkook and Yoongi. Jimin smiled at me and I looked at him and sighed, putting my head back down, burying my face into his chest. "What time is it?" I asked him, my voice mumbled against his chest. 

"Uh," Jimin whispered as he reached behind me, grabbing his phone off the bed. He turned the screen on and mumbled. "It's almost Midnight." He chuckled. 

My eyes shot up and I sat up quickly, causing myself to get dizzy. "Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked as I leaned over him and grabbed my phone off the nightstand, I unplugged the charger and quickly looked through my notifications. I had some missed calls and a few texts, but they were from numbers that I didn't recognize. I saw that I had a few voicemails too. "What the hell..." I mumbled. 

"I didn't wake you up cause I fell asleep too." Jimin sat up, looking at me. Yoongi and Jungkook sat quietly, looking at each other awkwardly. "Why do you say that?" He asked, referring to my 'what the hell'. 

"I don't know... Mind if I go outside really quick?" I looked at him and he nodded. 

"Want me to go with you?" He tilted his head to the side and I shook my head at him. "Alright. Yoongi," Jimin looked at Yoongi who sat in Jimin's computer chair, Yoongi looked at him, humming softly. "Will you walk her down?" He asked and Yoongi nodded, standing up. I looked at Yoongi and climbed over Jimin's legs, getting off the bed. "My parents are sleeping so you gotta be quiet." Jimin giggled softly. I nodded at him and Yoongi opened the bedroom door, walking out and waiting for me. 

I followed him but was the first to go downstairs. Yoongi soon caught up and got in front of me, opening the door for me. Everyone was awake in the living room, playing video games, including Jimin's brother. I walked outside and Yoongi came out and sat on the porch while I walked over to the sidewalk and sat on the curb, calling my voicemail. I entered my pin and listened to the voice tell me how many unheard messages I had... Three of them. I listened to the first one. 

"Hi, this is Jina from the restaurant your mom works at. This is an emergency, when you get this please contact me immediately. Thank you." 

I didn't even bother to listen to the other messages, instead I called the number. I looked towards the porch and saw Yoongi staring at his phone. When someone answered the phone, I looked away from Yoongi. "Hi, this is Y/N... is this Jina?" 

"Thank goodness you got back to me. Yes, this is Jina. Where are you right now?" 

"I'm.... at a friends. Why? What was the emergency?" I asked, playing with the collar of my hoodie. 

"Your mom is... at the hospital." 

My eyes widened, I felt my heart drop and my stomach turn. "What happened?" I asked, trying to hide the worry in my voice but I didn't do a very good job. It was obvious I was worried. 

"We're not sure yet. Her boss and I are here, she hasn't woke up yet. She was about to take someone their order but she passed out." 

"H-How long ago did this happen?" I stood up and jogged to Yoongi, mouthing "Namjoon" To him, he raised a brow and stood up, going inside and getting Namjoon like I asked. 

Let's Play a Game.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ