Chapter Twenty One

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A/N: Hey guys! okay so quick heads up on this chapter, i do apologize if there are any errors or whatever, and if im wrong on a few things i tried doing research but im really tired for some reason. also, if its confusing in some parts, again i apologize. idk why but i have a habit of writing when im sleepy lmfao but yeah so hopefully everything makes sense and hOPEFULLY its okay. ill try to keep updating as much as possible, i honestly have the worst writers block right now so the recent and this chapter took me like 6 hours to write and it usually only takes me an hour or two. so yeah, i struggled quite a bit lol (i also lacked emotion but were just gonna ignore that)


anyway! enjoy! again sorry for any mistakes! x


Quietly, I laid half asleep in my mom's room. Thankfully, Jimin asked one of the doctors if it was okay to go into the room and he said it was but due to the fact that the doctors are still going in and out of her room, there can only be one person in there at a time. I was laying on the very uncomfortable couch, listening to piano on my phone with low volume. The Piano was both mine and my mom's favorite, we always listened to it to relax. 

The door opened for the seventh time which woke me up a little bit, causing me to open my eyes and look. I saw the Doctor come into the room and shut the door behind him. "Did I wake you up?" He chuckled softly and I shook my head at him, sitting up slightly. "I'm surprised you guys are still here. You've been here since midnight and it's almost 7 in the morning. Quite a long time." He said as he sorted through a few papers clipped to the surface of a metal clipboard. "I talked to your dad already, but we finally got the results for the tests." He looked at me, his words pulled me out of the sleepy daze I was in, now I was fully awake, staring at him. 

"I was gonna gather you all together to tell you, but your dad suggested I tell you alone." He added. 

"Okay, so what is it?" I asked, sitting up straight. 

"I've been a doctor for 16 years and every time something happens, the news seems to always get harder and harder to break to someone, especially of your age." He spoke, avoiding my question. But from his words, I knew the results weren't good and something was obviously a lot worse than I or any of us had expected. But I didn't want to interrupt him and be rude, so I just listened to his words carefully. "Your father already filled me in with your current living state, which is why he suggested I tell you alone as it may be harder on you." 

"Can you please just tell me?" I finally spoke, annoyed with how he kept steering the conversation towards a whole other topic which would make this take a lot longer than it should. 

The doctor stared at me before sighing and looking at my mom as she laid unconscious in the bed. "What happened was your mom was extremely exhausted to the point where she couldn't stand properly. Her exhaustion took over her which caused her to topple over, however when she fell, she hit her head and the injury caused bleeding to her brain. We're still trying to find out where exactly the bleeding is coming from." He explained, I stared at him, almost zoning out but I was still listening to his every word. "Though we suspect it's coming from the cerebellum." 

"The... cerebellum? What's that?" I asked confused. "I mean, I know what it is, but where is it located? I failed anatomy, I have no idea-" 

"It's located in the back and bottom of the brain. It coordinates voluntary movements such as posture, balance, coordination, and speech, resulting in smooth and balanced muscular activity. If that's the case and the bleeding is coming from the cerebellum, we don't have a lot of time to stop it." He explained, pausing for a moment to give me time to speak. 

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