Chapter Twenty Nine

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It was really cold out this morning, Jimin and I were both shivering and regretting our choice to walk to school but we were finally there. Not many people were outside, not even his friends but I didn't notice, I was too focused on keeping myself warm. Jimin and I walked into the school, he looked at me and giggled cutely, I raised a brow at him before I realized he was laughing at how I had my hood tied around my face. I pouted my lip and untied it before pushing it back and running my fingers through my hair as he laughed. 

"Come on," He took my hand and lead me through the crowd of people, i followed close behind him as he pulled me along. "Have you ever been in the music room?" He hummed, glancing back at me. 

"No, I don't have a reason to." I replied as I finally caught up and walked by his side instead of being dragged behind him, though he kept a hold of my hand. 

"I'm pretty sure that's where the others are, which means they have the music room extremely warm. No one is in there in the mornings so if its cold, we occupy it." He smiled at me. I was ready to go into the music room at the mention of warmth. As he led me down the hall, I kept my eyes to the ground and held my head low. I already hated having attention but walking next to Jimin drew everyone's attention. 

As we passed people in the halls, whispers could be heard, it usually fell under "He's still with her" "she doesn't deserve him", stuff like that. I mean, that didn't bother me, I could care less if I was with Jimin or not. But the fact that I was the center of attention along side Jimin made me anxious. I was always looked at as the weird kid in school, talked about behind my back and used to be bullied. 

I reached back and pulled my hood over my head again, in attempt to hide my face. Jimin looked at me and frowned at my actions. "Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded my head once with a hum in response to him. He squinted his eyes at me, it was obvious he didn't believe me, but it was obvious I was comfortable. 

He let go of my hand but immediately wrapped his arm around my shoulder, gently pulling me closer to him for comfort. I sighed softly as I leaned against him, keeping my head against him as I stared at the ground. "Just ignore them." He mumbled to me. 

He continued to hold me close to him and lead the way to the music room. After we went down a few stairs, he turned and let go of me. I lifted my head and looked around before sighing heavily and pulling my hood off my head once more. "Was that really that hard for you?" He asked concerned. I looked at him and nodded once. 

"I have social anxiety, yo. I don't do well in big groups and I hate being here." I shrugged my shoulders, looking away without noticing the frown he had. "Anyway, I don't even know what part of the school we're in since I didn't pay attention so if I get lost on the way to class-" 

"You won't." He chuckled as he opened the door to the room and stepped aside to let me go in first. I walked inside and looked around, raising a brow at the empty class room. I parted my lips to speak but he cut me off. "There's like two other rooms we have to pass through. It's pretty hidden so that's why we chose it as a second hang out spot." I nodded at his words, it was almost like he knew what I was going to ask. 

He shut the door and led the way through the other two rooms before we finally got to the music room. I was curious to know why the music room was hidden within three rooms, but the rooms were filled with extra stuff for the music room and one room was an actual classroom.

Once Jimin opened the door to the music room, Taehyung shot up from his spot and ran over to Jimin, greeting him by jumping on him, hugging him tightly. Though the force of his jump caused Jimin to stumble back, I yelped and stepped out of the way before I would get stepped on. And of course, my yelp made Jimin burst into laughter as he held on to Taehyung who clung to him like a koala bear.

I huffed and walked around the room, looking at all the different instruments. Jimin wasn't kidding when he said it'd be warm in the room, I was already sweating. Yoongi was sitting at the piano which made me curious as to if he could play. I wasn't going to ask yet though, instead I just continued to look around. Namjoon wasn't here, and neither was Jin. I assumed since it was so cold they just decided to go home.

"Halloween is in a few days~" Jungkook hummed as he sat on the floor, doing his jomework.

"Is it?" I asked, turning around and looking at him as he nodded. I hummed before looking around some more. Well shit. I had no idea what day it was either. I was so lost and I was the worst at keeping track of the date.

"You didn't know that?" Jimin asked as he held Taehyung on his back now. I shook my head at him. "What are we doing then?" He asked, his question directed to his friends.

"Theres a Halloween party Namjoon is going to, we could tag along." Hoseok suggested as he scrolled through his phone. "We have to go to class in ten minutes." He added with a sigh.

"We could. Or we can not go to a party and actually do something that revolves around horror stuff." Jungkook smirked and Hoseok quickly shook his head.

"Haunted house? Then we can maybe stop by the party." Jimin asked but everyone said a different answer than the other. "Okay, let's try that again. Hand up for haunted house?" He said as he raised his own hand, both Jungkook, Taehyung and Yoongi raised their hands, I assumed they weren't talking to me so I didn't raise my hand for either. "Y/N~~~" Jimin sang softly, you looked over at him before looking around the room, seeing Hoseok was outnumbered and the only one who didn't want to go.

"I don't do well with scary stuff." I chuckled nervously, looking away.

"Come on~" Taehyung stared at me. I looked at him and pursed my lips. I really didn't want to go, I wanted to have at least a few days by myself.

"Depends on if I have Mong at my house." I responded before I looked at Yoongi while the others cheered in excitement, Hoseok whined in defeat, not wanting to go. Yoongi stared at a book that I assumed was a piano book. I hesitated before I inched closer to him as he sat on the bench. "Do you know how to play?" I finally asked, looking at the book.

"Yeah," He nodded as he mumbled his response, looking through the book before he put it back. "No I won't play so you can hear." He looked at me and I stared at him as if I was offended. "Not right now anyway." He added as he stood up and walked over to sit next to Hoseok. I chuckled once at him before walking around the room some more and observing all the different instruments.

Soon, the bell rang and all of them gathered their stuff. All of us walked out of the room together and headed to our classes. While Jungkook, Taehyung, Yoongi and Hoseok separated ways, Jimin walked with me so I wouldn't get lost. The school was very big and I'd actually never been in this part of it so I had no idea where to go, but once we got to my classroom, I was about to go in but Jimin grabbed my arm, stopping me. I looked at him and tilted my head in curiosity. "If anyone says anything, please don't let it get to you." He smiled at me and I nodded once. "I'll see you later." He wrapped his arm around me, pulling me into a hug. I returned the hug and pulled back after a moment but he caught me off guard when he pressed his plump lips against mine. 

I closed my eyes and kissed him as he ran his hand down my arm. After a few more seconds I finally pulled away and looked at him as he smiled at me, his eyes squinting in the process. I giggled softly at his smile and pushed on his chest gently. "Go to class." I said as he giggled cutely and walked away, I watched him for a moment before I pursed my lips and sighed softly. What was Yoongi's message about? I was getting more and more curious about it, based off of Jimin's behavior. I was starting to like Jimin, yes, but I wasn't falling for him. But... was he falling for me? 

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