Chapter Twenty

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"Goodbye~!" Jungkook called out as he got out of Namjoon's car, followed behind Taehyung. Since Jimin's home was closest to the hospital, that's where we took the two younger boys. Of course Jimin's parents were gonna have a few questions for Jimin whenever he decided to go home, but he was positive they would understand. He seemed to have so much freedom, I honestly couldn't believe it. It seemed like the boy was free to do whatever he wanted, even leaving the house this late at night, something my parents would never allow me to do. And the fact that his parents had no issue with all of Jimin's friends just staying the night and hanging out on school nights was pretty cool, I thought anyway. 

Yoongi sprawled out in the backseat as soon as the two boys got out of the car. Jimin watched as they walked into the house before Namjoon finally started to drive off. The whole drive, we stayed silent. The only sounds we could hear was the sound of Namjoon's car engine humming as he drove. Despite it being so late, people were still out and about, though it wasn't as busy as it usually is during the day. 

After ten or so minutes, we finally got to our destination. "Drive thru or go in?" Namjoon asked as he pulled into the parking lot of McDonald's. A few cars were parked here and there, my eyes trailed into the building, looking through the windows to see there was only a few people sitting and eating inside. 

I didn't want to go in but I also didn't want to sit in the waiting room, having my father watching my every move and glaring at the others. "We can go in if you guys want, but it's up to you guys." I looked down at my hands that rested in my lap. 

"I don't mind going in." Namjoon replied as he pulled into a parking spot near the doors. Once he shut the car off, I opened my door and got out, while Jimin followed behind me. We waited for Yoongi and Namjoon and when the two of them finally got out of the car, the four of us walked into McDonald's. 

"I'll go and order, if you want to sit down you can." Jimin said as he stood by my side. 

I turned my head and looked at him with tired eyes. "You don't have to, I can order." I said with a small smile. "Plus I don't want you to spend anymore money on me." 

"Y/N. I have no problem buying you some food." Jimin smiled widely, his eyes squinting in the process. His eye smile was adorable... stop. I hummed to myself and nodded in response to him before I walked over towards the window and sat down in a booth. Jimin looked at Yoongi and nodded once, telling him to go with me. 

While Namjoon and Jimin went to the counter and ordered some food, Yoongi and I sat silently. I remembered what Yoongi had told me when I first started hanging out and playing this game with Jimin. It's like having 6 body guards. I didn't realize he meant being followed everywhere I went, but I didn't have a problem with it. In fact, it was nice. I mean, I've never been one to have many friends, let alone guy friends, so I did appreciate this. But at the same time, I knew it was just a game and who knew how long it would last. 

Yoongi and I sat in complete silence. I would occasionally sneak a few glances at the mint haired boy, in hopes he would speak to get rid of the silence, I for one wasn't going to be the first one to spark a conversation. I pursed my lips and looked over towards a couple as the sat on the other side of the restaurant, one seemed to be American, while the other was Korean. The way they were acting and playing with one another made you smile a little bit. It was cute. 

Your gaze that was set on the couple was then blocked by Namjoon and Jimin as they walked over towards you and Yoongi, Namjoon was carrying a tray of food. "We got two large fries and four burgers." Namjoon said as he set the tray on the table, you scooted closer to the window so Jimin could sit down. "Jimin and Y/N can share this one," He hummed, pushing a box of fries towards Jimin and I. "Yoongi and I will share this one." He grabbed their fries and smiled to us as he sat down.

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