Chapter Four

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Throughout my whole walk, I was thinking about everything. Jimin, my fight with Somin. I wish I was homeschooled, I wouldn't have to deal with any of this stupid, dramatic bullshit. I couldn't wait to be done with school and graduate and just live my life. If I get enough extra credit in my classes, there's a chance I can graduate early. 

I made my way to the front door and I unlocked it, walking inside. Tired, i dropped my bag on to the floor and shut the door behind me, walking over to the couch and plopping down on it. I sighed and let my body fall completely on the couch so I was laying down. I closed my eyes, relaxing for a few minutes before I curled into a ball and pulled a blanket over me before I pulled my phone out of my pocket and unlocked it. I texted my mom, letting her know I was home. I closed all of my apps, before opening facebook again. 

I scrolled through my news feed, occasionally giggling at memes and sharing some of them. After ten minutes of that, I opened my messenger app and looked to see if any of my online friends messaged me, but none of them did yet. I saw a message request and opened it, sighing at my phone. "He just doesn't quit." I mumbled, reading Jimin's message. 

I saw you and Somin in the parking lot. Is everything okay between you guys? 

I pursed my lips, debating on whether or not to accept the message request and reply, or just leave it. I stared at his message before accepting it and rolling on to my back, holding my phone above me with both hands as I typed back to him.

Yeah, everything is fine. Thanks. 

I hit send and locked my phone, slipping it into my hoodie pocket again and sitting up, pushing the blanket off of me and getting up, walking towards the kitchen. I opened the fridge, looking inside. I pursed my lips, thinking of something to snack on. After a few seconds of deciding, I grab a slice of lunch meat and shut the fridge, pretty much shoving the whole thing in my mouth at once. I grabbed a bottle of water out of the package, sitting beside the fridge. 

Then, I walk over towards the door and grab my backpack, heading upstairs to my room. I open my door, set the water on my desk and place my backpack down on the floor by my desk. I change into some comfy clothes. Sweatpants, and a different hoodie. No shirt though, I hate wearing shirts under hoodies. 

I sit down at my desk and reach into my backpack, grabbing my Japanese text book, and note book and my colored pens. Setting the items down on the desk, I open my text book and start to read where I left off, taking some notes and writing down important things. I always studied and did homework after school, to get it out of the way so I had the rest of the day to do whatever I wanted. 


After about two hours of studying, I set my pencil down and gave up. My eyes were getting heavy and I could feel the tiredness slowly starting to take over. I heard my stomach growl and I rubbed it softly before I closed my books, straightened up my desk and stood up. I looked at my phone and saw that it was almost 6:30PM. I unlocked my phone, not bothering to check my notifications and I decided to call my mom. After dialing her number, I put my phone to my ear and slipped my shoes on, grabbing my house keys and my wallet, walking down the stairs. 

A few seconds later, she answered her phone, greeting me with her usual happy and cheerful self. "Hi mom. Where are you working right now, the shop or restaurant?" I asked, heading towards the door. 

"I'm at the shop still. I don't work at the restaurant til 10:00PM." 

"Okay, can I come by and get some food?" 

"There's food there. Did you finish your studies?" 

"Yeah, I finished it. And I talked to Mr. T about extra credit for language, he gave me an assignment to do and told me to come in at 7 in the morning so I can redo some work and lift my grade. So can I come by? Nothing here sounds good." 

"That's good. Yeah, you can come by." 

"Okay, I'll be there in a bit." And with that, we said goodbye and ended the call. By now I was already outside and walking towards the store, which wasn't too far. Maybe about a 30 maybe 40 minute walk. 

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