Chapter Seven

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It didn't take me too long to get to the school. I texted Jimin as soon as I made it into the parking lot, letting him know I was there, now I just needed to head to the football field. Hopefully I wasn't being set up. It's happened before, that's why whenever I went somewhere, I always went with someone and not myself in case if I got stood up, I wasn't the only one who was embarrassed. 

After another four minutes of walking, I saw three cars and a bunch of people gathered around. There was a lot more people than I thought there was going to be. I stopped in my tracks, taking a deep breath. They didn't see me yet, and Jimin hasn't read my message, I could turn around and go back... No. I have to do this, I need to get over this loner shit. 

I exhaled sharply and walked towards everyone else. As soon as I approached them, some heads turned and some completely ignored me, which I was fine with, I'm glad not everyone looked at me. 

Jimin and Somin were the first ones to see me, Somin didn't say anything to me and instead, turned around to continue whatever conversation she was having with Jimin, but he ignored her and sprinted towards me. "You made it!" He said excitedly, I could see the look on Somin's face and she was not happy. 

I nodded at Jimin, looking up at him as he stood fairly close to me, he was a few inches taller too. "I made it..." I repeated with a small smile. Though, my voice sounded less than pleased, which made Jimin's smile disappear and turn into a frown. 

Though, he decided to wait to ask. "Come on," He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards everyone else, I was going to pull away but I didn't. Instead, I let him pull me, following right behind him. Somin stared at the two of us before she rolled her eyes and turned to a different person to talk to. I sighed, knowing she was still upset with me. "Guys, look who made it!" Jimin said as we finally got closer to the others. 

All together there was about.. eleven people, including Taehyung and Jungkook. Two others that I didn't even know, nor did they look familiar. "Well well... the princess made it." Jungkook smirked as he and Taehyung turned to look at me. 

I raised a brow at what they had called me and I looked at Jimin. "Princess...?" I scoffed before looking down at Jimin's hand that was still holding mine. "You can let go now." I mumbled, pulling out of his grip and folding my arms over my chest, looking out towards the football field where there was a few more people playing catch. 

"Yeah, Jimin calls you that when you're not around." Somin quickly responded before anyone else could, I looked at her and glared slightly, hearing the anger and or annoyance in her voice. Possibly jealousy? No way. Why was she jealous? I looked at Jimin and he quickly looked away from me, I knew he was staring at me. 

I turned my attention to Somin and spoke to her. "What is your problem?" 

"You!" She turned to me. "You are not supportive of me, you don't help me, you're never there for me," She stopped, noticing that her words had made my eyebrow raise in disbelief. 

"Guys," Jimin said softly, trying to calm Somin down, it was obvious she was getting fired up by me just being there. 

"Is it because I didn't answer your text about hanging out? Because if so, then you are an idiot because you know I study after school and I won't touch my phone." I didn't even care about the attention we were drawing from the others, however, Jungkook snorted a laugh and I shot a glare at him. "And when you came to the shop earlier, you clearly saw me," I looked at Somin again. "If you were so salty, why didn't you say something then instead of just ignoring me and having a casual conversation with my mom?" 

"You had your back to me." Somin protested.

"I had my back turned to him." I said, hitting Jimin lightly in the chest without meaning to. He must have stepped closer to me or something because before, he was a little past arms length. 

After he winced, I looked at him and sighed, looking back at Somin. "Guys, seriously. Just stop." Taehyung said, walking away from Jungkook and standing next to Somin and I. "Everything was fine until you got here." He looked at me. 

"I invited her." Jimin spat and I looked at him, sighing softly. 

"You don't think about anyone but yourself." Somin mumbled, turning away from me and sitting on top of someone's car. I glared at her before sighing and pulling out my phone to text my mom and let her know I was at the school for a bit. 

"What happened to your phone?" Jimin asked worriedly when he saw my cracked phone screen. Somin looked at me in curiosity. 

"Uh, I walked out into the street and almost got hit by a car but the person-" 

"What?!" Jimin stepped closer to me. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, his voice sounding ten times more worried than before. Somin's facial expression quickly shifted from angry to sad, everyone else was staring at me. 

I shook my head at Jimin. "Cause I didn't feel the need to?" 

"What happened?" He added. 

"I was reading your text, the person driving was also texting her boyfriend but she saw me just in time and stopped, I fell and dropped my phone and it cracked." I shrugged. "It's not really a big deal, I'm fine." I assured him, and unintentionally everyone else who was staring at me. 

"When did this happen?" Jimin asked. 

"After I left the shop," I answered, slipping my phone back into my pocket. 

Somin got off of the car and walked back over to me. "I'm- I'm sorry, I didn't know-"

I cut her off by shaking my head. "It's fine. Don't be sorry." I kept my eyes on the ground. 

For a moment it was silent before everyone else turned to the person they were talking to before and everything had finally calmed down, especially between Somin and I. For the next hour, everyone was talking, laughing and making jokes with one another. I stayed with Jimin the whole time, not that I had much of a choice, he followed me around like a lost puppy, making sure I was actually okay and wasn't lying about it. I was actually... having fun. 

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