Chapter Eight

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Silently, I was laying in the grass in the football field, which was where everyone was now. And Jimin was laying a few feet away from me. Somin was over by Taehyung and Jungkook a couple of yards away, probably flirting with them. Everyone else was either playing catch or just talking to each other, just like before, the only difference was the spot we were in. 

My eyes were closed and I could feel the tiredness taking over me. But when I heard Jimin's voice, I opened them a bit and turned my head to look at him. "What made you come here?" He asked, keeping his voice quiet. I hummed tiredly, asking what he meant. "What made you want to come here with us?" 

I thought for a minute. That was a good question, even I didn't really know why, but I had to come up with something. "I don't really know... maybe because of the accident. I didn't want anything to happen and be on bad terms with everyone." My voice was tired and groggy, making it obvious I was getting tired.

Jimin looked at me and rolled on to his side. "You're tired, huh?" He asked and I nodded softly. He got to his feet and walked over to me, standing over me. "Come on," He held out his hand and I looked at him. "I'll walk you home." I hesitated before lazily reaching my hand up to take his, when I did, he grabbed my hand and slowly pulled me up to my feet. Then, he turned towards everyone else and yelled out. "Walking Y/N home, I'll be back soon!" And with that, we started walking away. I was too tired to say bye to anyone, so I just followed Jimin before walking by his side. However, I knew Somin was staring at us.

"So where do you even live?" He asked as we got off school grounds. I know earlier I didn't want him to know where I lived, but I was too tired to even care at the moment. I hummed, pointing in the direction of my house. We continued to walk towards my house, I pulled out my phone to check the time, it was almost midnight, this was actually the latest I'd ever stayed out. 

"I gotta get up earlier than usual..." I whined, thinking out loud. 

Jimin looked at me, raising a brow. "Why's that?" 

"Mr. T wants me to come in in the morning to redo some assignments I didn't do well on. I'm trying to get extra credit so I gotta be there at 7." I explained and Jimin nodded. 

"Mr. T the Japanese teacher?" I nodded at Jimin's question.  "If you want I could walk you there in the morning." He offered but I shrugged in response. 

After a while, we made it to my house. On the outside it didn't look the best, but the inside was a lot nicer. When Jimin saw the house, he stared at it and I sighed. "I know, it looks horrible." I mumbled as I walked on to the porch. 

"No, it looks fine," He said, looking over the house as he followed me on to the porch. "I've just never seen your house before." He looked at me with a smile. "It looks cozy." 

"Cozy?" I scoffed, shaking my head as I unlocked the front door, turning back to him. "No, it looks abandoned." I protested but he shook his head. "Anyway, thank you for walking me home." 

"No problem." He smiled. "You look great tonight, by the way." He said, stepping closer to me. I stood still, clenching my jaw nervously, nodding once in a way of thanking him. "Can I ask you something?" He whispered and I hummed in response. "Why won't you give me a chance?" 

I looked up at him, sighing softly. After tonight, I realized, maybe he's not as bad as I was making him out to be? But I knew he was a player, he was always flirting with other girls. And after that accident, I wanted to start taking my chances with stuff and start stepping out of my comfort zone and living a life. 

I took a deep breath, standing up straight. "You want a chance, fine. I'll make you a deal." I stared at him, studying his facial features. His plump lips curled into a smile as he tilted his head waiting for me to continue. "You're a player, that's what you do. You play with girls hearts, and when they get attached, you leave and repeat the process with another girl, correct?" Jimin's smile faded and he looked away from me. "You're a player, so let's play a game." 

"A game?" He questioned, bringing his gaze back up to meet mine. 

I nodded. "A game." I repeated. "Let's do couple shit, hold hands, kiss, hug, talk 24/7, hang out, take walks together, tell each other good morning and goodnight every day." Jimin raised a brow, slightly confused on how I would turn this into a game. "And whoever falls in love first, loses. You cannot cheat, or you lose automatically and you never hear or see me again." I finished. 

Jimin stared at me, I could tell he was thinking it over. After a couple of seconds, he nodded. "Deal." I bit the inside of my lower lip and nodded. 

"Starting tomorrow morning, walk me to school and the game begins, however you can't tell anyone." I added and Jimin nodded, agreeing to the rules. I sighed softly and opened the front door. "Okay, goodnight..." I said as I walked inside. 

"I'll see you in the morning." He smiled at me, his eyes squinting. Awh, he had an eye smile... "Goodnight and rest well." He added before he walked off the porch and I shut the door, locking it. I pressed my back against the door for a moment, placing my hand on my stomach, nervously. 

What did I just get myself into? 

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