I'm not one of them

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Ezra stood before the gateway of the dome. The rebellion was standing round the chain dome, ready to watch a dragon killed.
Ezra barely got to sleep the night before. He'd been thinking of ways to prevent himself killing the dragon without facing a consequence.
He had a solution but instead of being killed by the dragon, he might be killed by Argus or Kanan.
Ezra clutched his lightsaber with a sigh.
"Be careful with that dragon." Ezra glanced over to see Sabine.
"It's not the dragon I'm worried about" he told her, looking out to where Kanan and Argus were.
"What are you going to do?" Sabine asked.
"Put an end to this" Ezra replied.
"I have to try. And Sabine. If anything goes wrong, just make sure they don't find Toothless."
"I will. Just, promise it won't go wrong."
Ezra was about to reply when Rex appeared.
"It's time Ezra" he said.
"Knock em dead."
Ezra gave a nod to Sabine before stepping out, hearing the gate close behind him and the rebellion chanting his name.
He approached the weapon board and took out a dagger and shield.
"Hmm. I would've gone for the hammer" Ridgeback told Kanan.
The boy took a deep breath, gripping the shield he looked up at the cage.
"I'm ready" Ezra said.
The gate rumbled as it opened.
Bursting from it was a fire lit, Monstrous Nightmare. It roared angrily before running along the walls and breathing fire at the dome. Almost making a group of pilots corpses.
It growled and climbed along the top before dropping to the ground to face Ezra.
"Come on Ezra! Give it to him!" Zeb yelled from the crowd.
Ezra dropped his shield, backing up with a hand reaching for the dragon's nose.
"What is he doing?" Hera asked Kanan.
"Hey it's okay. It's okay" Ezra told it gently.
He looked up at the rebels.
"I'm not one of them" he said throwing his dagger aside.
The dragon purred with surprise while the crowd gasped.
"Stop the fight" Ridgeback said, eyes full of a mighty rage.
"No. I need you all to see this" Ezra told the people outside the chains.
"They're not what we think they are. We don't have to kill them."
Ezra's hand was a few centimeters away from the Nightmare's nose.
"I SAID STOP THE FIGHT!" Ridgeback yelled smashing his axe into the bars. A loud clanging sound echoed around the arena. The dragon's pupils went into slits and it lunged at Ezra.
The boy yelled as the reptile breathed a mighty fire at him.

Miles away, Toothless was resting in the cove. He heard Ezra's yell and his head shot up on instinct.  

Ezra skidded out of the way of being burnt alive.
"Out of my way!" Kanan said pushing through the rebels. Argus right behind him.
"Ezra!" Sabine yelled.
She got one of the shields and wedged it under the door. Pushing it up, she went through the gap.

Toothless scrambled on the rock walls of the cove. Trying to get a secure footing. His claws sunk into the earth at the top.

Ezra yelled as the Monstrous Nightmare almost crushed him. Grabbing a shield he only just managed to block a fireball.

Toothless ran through the woods of Yavin, grunting as he flapped a few times to gain more ground.

Kanan and Argus threw open the gate and ran into the sloped chamber.
"Ezra!" Sabine yelled.
Picking up a hammer, she threw it with a grunt. It got the Nightmare in the face where it hit the ground. The dragon turned on Sabine and ran at her.
Kanan and Argus heaved the second gate open.
"This way!" Kanan yelled.
The two younger rebels ran for the exit but only Sabine made it in time.
Ezra was cut off by a fireball and ran the opposite direction. He was suddenly half crushed, half trapped under the talons of the Nightmare.
A loud roar erupted from an approaching dragon. Toothless pushed through the rebels and shot a plasma blast at the dome. A hole opened and he sped through like a bullet to save his rider.
A thick smoke had gathered making it pretty much impossible to see.
Ezra gasped for air and rolled to the side when he no longer felt claws crushing him.
Two dragons appeared from the smoke, both visible.
"Night Fury" Hera gasped.
Toothless was biting the Nightmare and scratching it in attempts to protect Ezra.
The bigger dragon forced him to the ground where it tried to bite Toothless's chest.
The Night Fury kicked him off, got to his feet and stood in front of Ezra, snarling.
The Nightmare tried to get past but Toothless kept blocking it.
With a fierce snarl, Toothless bared his teeth at the Nightmare.
The dragon backed off and Ezra ran to Toothless.
"Go Toothless, go get out of here. It isn't safe" Ezra said pushing on the dragon's nose. The rebels were coming in at all directions. Weapons out and yelling.
"Go go!"
Kanan and Ridgeback were also going into the arena. Weapons in their grips.
"No Kanan! Kanan he won't hurt you!" Ezra said, on the verge of panicking.
Toothless lunged forward, bashing rebels aside before jumping at Kanan.
They rolled forward until Toothless had the Jedi pinned to the ground.
"Toothless stop!" Ezra shouted.
The dragon as opening his mouth, a plasma blast growing.
"No! NO!" Ezra yelled.
Toothless swallowed the fire and looked round at Ezra. A soft purr coming from his throat.
He was suddenly punched by Zeb and was forced to the ground by others rebels.
"No! Don't hurt him!" Ezra pleaded, about to run forward but Sabine held him back.
"Please don't hurt him."
Kanan got up and turned to Ezra as Toothless was stuck on the ground.
"Put it with the others" Kanan growled to the rebels.
He grabbed Ezra by the arm and yanked him out of the arena.

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