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Catapults were set up, blades were sharpened, guns were loaded, and net shooters were placed.
The rebellion was setting up for the battle, ready for what was coming.
Argus stood a few feet away from the cave, axe in his grip. "No matter how this ends. It ends today" he said, holding up his hand.
Clenching it into a fist, the catapults threw rocks at the mountain, penetrating the rocky walls.
After the walls crumbled, Argus stood at the entrance.
Another catapult threw a fire ball of dry grass through the entry.
Argus's gaze narrowed when he saw dragons lining the sloping walls as the fireball hurled down the corridor.
Yelling at the top of his lungs, Argus swung his blade making the dragons take off in terror out of the cave.
The rebels swung at the reptiles as they passed. A few were taken down while others escaped. They flew far into the sky and the rebellion watched.
"Is that it?" Rex asked, then shrugged.
"We've done it!" Argus yelled raising his axe and the rebels cheered.
Kanan looked over when he heard Toothless. The Night Fury was bucking harder then ever in his confinement. Growling loudly as the ground shook.
"This isn't over!" Kanan yelled.
A huge, blood curdling roar echoed from the cave.
"Get clear!" Argus commanded running as the ground shook more.
The rebels ran from the cave as the massive Godzilla of a dragon smashed its way through the entrance. Now it was in the open, it seemed a lot more terrifying. Standing at an alarming ninety nine feet tall, with large wings, hundreds of teeth, a bludgeon tail and long dangerous claws, it was enough to make even Vader feel scared.
"Oh gods help us" Kanan gasped.
He couldn't see the beast, but judging how the ground trembled and everyone screamed, it could tell it was big.
"Holy kriff. What is that?" Hera gasped.
"Everyone! Back to base!" Hera yelled.
The massive dragon growled and breathed fire round the edges of the woods making escape impossible. The large flames tall and Toothless was trapped in the middle of it all. The catapults and guns were fired at the dragon but it swung its bludgeon like tail at the gear and they were smashed to smithereens.
It ate multiple people and crushed a lot too.
"Everyone! Go for the cave! Climb the walls and get back to base!" Argus yelled.
Kanan grabbed his lightsaber and was about to go for the dragon when a hand stopped him.
He turned round to sense Rex.
"Where are you going? Ridgeback gave us an order" he told him.
"And I can bye everyone more time if I give that thing something to hunt" Kanan replied.
Rex gripped the Jedi's hand in a determined way.
"Then I can double that time" he said with a smile.
Kanan nodded with a grin before running at the massive dragon.
"Here!" He shouted.
"Oh no! Here!" Rex yelled right after his friend.
Rex threw an explosive at the dragon, it detonated round its face making the beast roar.
Kanan used a Force jump to get up to the reptile. Swinging his lightsaber at the dragon's nose it snarled loudly in pain as Kanan landed back on the ground.  
Rex pulled out his blaster and shot one of the beast's eyes. It roared as Kanan sliced a wound open in it's right front leg.
"Fight me!" Rex yelled.
"No! Me!" Kanan shouted.
The dragon reared up onto its hind legs and opened its mouth. Ready to release its flame.
Rex and Kanan closed their eyes in defeat, knowing they'd bought everyone enough time to get away.
The one thing Kanan wished was that he could've apologized to Ezra for what he said.
The rebels were on the mountain and almost over the other side.
Hera looked over and felt her stomach drop. Kanan was standing before the dragon, ready to die.
"Kanan!" She yelled in terror. 
An explosion erupted at the top of the dragon's head making Kanan and Rex's eyes snap open.
A Nadder, Gronkle, Zippleback, and Monstrous Nightmare soared from the skies.
They twirled so the rebellion could see who was flying on them.
Sabine and Ezra were on the Nadder, Zeb on the Gronkle, Wedge and Hobbe riding the Zippleback and Kallus astride the Nightmare.
"What the" Argus said silently. "Woo! We're on dragons! Dragons! All of us!" Kallus whooped as they flew around the massive dragon.
"Wedge, Hobbe watch your backs. Move Zeb!" Ezra yelled.
"Okay. Kallus see if it has a blind spot. Wedge and Hobbe make some noise keep it confused. Zeb see if it has a shot limit, make it mad" "I'm on it. Wait, how do I do that?" Zeb asked.
"Just act like you would to me!" Ezra called.
"Huh. Good point" Zeb smiled.
"Alright. Keep it distracted, I'll be back as soon as I can" Ezra told them as Sabine lead her Nadder towards the flames.
"Don't worry we've got it covered!" Kallus shouted after him.
The new riders flew around and behind the dragon's head before flying either side of its face.
Zeb made the Gronkle swing round and hit the dragon in the face. The beast roared and snapped its jaws at the dragon angrily who only just managed to get out of the way.
Kallus got the Nightmare to breathe fire in the winged Godzilla's eyes making it snarl. It used it's wings to smash the dragon away.
Wedge and Hobbe got their Zippleback to make a wall of green gas then set it alight. The bigger reptile wasn't happy about that and used it's tail to ram them into a rock stack, winding them severely. 
Meanwhile, Sabine was controling the Nadder around the fire. Ezra heard a desperate roar for help.
"There!" He said pointing to his friend who was in the fire.
He waited until they was close before jumping down.
"Go help the others!" He called.
Sabine nodded and the Nadder flapped to the massive dragon.
"Alright buddy I've got you" Ezra told his friend yanking off the muzzle.
He hugged the dragon's face to his chest.
"I'm so glad you're alright" he whispered.
Toothless purred and Ezra pulled out his lightsaber.
He began slicing through the chains that were keeping his dragon down.
He saw a metal chain severely close to the fire.
With a swallow of courage, he climbed onto the board and reached out to the chain with his blade.
He winced in pain as he accidentally burnt his fingers. He could feel the heat through his gloves.
Ezra coughed as the smoke entered his lungs. His clothes and boots had dark marks on them from coming too close to the fire.
Sitting back, he cut the last chain. Toothless grabbed him and flew from the confinement, he gently put the boy down then landed on the rock near the battle. 
Looking over at Ezra he gave a roar.
"You got it bud" Ezra smiled and ran over to him. Jumping on to the saddle, he clicked the attachment on to the cord and put his boots in the stirrups.
The boy looked over to see Kanan. The man was gripping his hand.
"I'm sorry. For...for everything" Kanan apologized.
"Yeah me too" Ezra said.
"You don't have to go up there."
"We're rebels. We don't give up easily" Ezra replied.
"I'm proud to call you my Padawan" Kanan told him releasing his hand and stepping back.
"Thanks Kanan" Ezra said after a few seconds.
With a nod to Toothless, the dragon roared and took off.

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