Chapter Two

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The boy looked at me, "Who's this?" He looked at Rick. I was embarrassed, I looked down, my face turning red but they couldn't see that. My face was covered in nothing but dirt and dried blood.

A petite woman walked up to us, "You could use a wash." A wash? I looked at her, clearing my throat, "A-A wash?"

"A shower," She looked at my arm, "She's bleeding." I looked at my arm, "I cut it on a branch while sleeping in a tree." I looked at the cut explaining.

"Maggie, show her to the infirmary, they have a shower there." Rick ordered. "Carl, find her some new clothes and shoes." The boy nodded at his father and walked away.

"Come with me dear." Maggie said leading the way. I followed her. We came up to a white house, "This is the infirmary, Denise runs it along with nurses-to-be." I nodded.

We walked into the building, the smell of rubbing alcohol hit me. A woman was running around, making a list of things they needed and counting the things they have already. "Denise."

"Oh hi!" She seemed to be spooked. "Who's this?"

Maggie looked at me, "I am uh Tessa."

Denise smiled at me, "What a pretty name." Her eyes adverted to my arm, "Tree branch?"

"Uh yeah, how'd you know?" I was shocked.

"Intuition." She laughed.

"She's here to use the shower." Maggie said.

"Clothes?" Denise asked. "Carl went to get them." Denise nodded at Maggie's response. "Well, the bathroom is upstairs two doors to the right."

I nodded, walking up towards the stairs. Two doors to the right. I opened the brown, wooden door. It creaked open, I cringed at the sound. I turned the light switch on, expecting there to be zero power but I was astonished. The light bulb crackled on. Light flooded the tiny bathroom. I felt a smile linger on my face. Electricity.

I stepped in the very white bathroom, shutting the creaky brown door behind me. I turned to the sink turning the faucet on in amazement. Water spurted out of the tap. I felt my smile growing. My eyes lingered up to the sink mirror. My smile dissatisfied with what it saw. My smile was disappointed. My smile wasn't a happy smile anymore.

As I saw my reflection, a tear trickled down my face. My once blonde locks was infested with blood, dirt, and knots. My very blue eyes, greyed. And my face was nothing but blood, dirt, bruises, and cuts. I shook myself out of my thought. I rinsed my face, scrubbing away the imperfection, the horrid memories.

I looked back in the mirror. My face still bruised and cut. I gulped, shutting the sink faucet off. I instantly looked away from the mirror. I turned my attention to the shower. I stripped my clothes off, turning the shower head on. The warm water spurted from the shower head.

My smile was back. I stepped in, letting the steam and the water engulf me. Closing my eyes, I felt at peace. It felt like before.

The creaky brown door opened, my eyes became alert. "It's me, Carl, with your clothes." I peaked my head out of the shower curtain, his arm was outstretched with folded clothes in his hand. "Oh, uh, leave them on the sink. Thank you." I watched as he entered the tiny bathroom, his eyes covered with his other hand.

He bumped into the sink, cursing under his breath, he put the clothes on the counter of the sink. He turned back and quickly left the bathroom, the door swiftly shutting behind him.

I brought my head back underneath the shower head. Closing my eyes, letting the moment last for a tiny bit more.

I looked around the shower, the coconut shampoo and conditioner combo caught my eyes. I titled my head away from the shower head. I smiled taking the shampoo bottle, squirting the soap in my hand, rubbing my hands together before bringing them to my head. The knots getting stuck between my fingers, but as I scrubbed harder, the knots went away.

I went underneath the shower head, still scrubbing. Opening my eyes looking down I saw nothing but blood and dirt mixed with soap and water. I was getting clean.

When I felt cleanish, I grabbed the conditioner. Rubbing the conditioner through my hair. Waiting a few minutes before rinising my hair. I washed my body. I washed everything and everywhere possible.

I stayed in the shower for an extra two minutes, the once hot water turning cold.

I shut the faucet off, getting out of the shower. Drying myself off, I put my new clothes on. Comfy and casual.

The mirror fogged. I wiped the fog off of the mirror, looking at a new reflection. My reflection.

I known what you're saying, "You're a shitty updater"




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