Chapter Three

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All I smelled was dead flesh. The walkers would not leave, they just wandered and bang against the walls. Those walls did not look sturdy whatsoever. I was scared. Who wouldn't be scared?

I kicked a rock that was in the road. "Gee what did that rock do to you?" I heard a new voice, I looked up.

"Oh hi, I'm Ron." He stuck his hand out. I awkwardly shook it. "Tessa." I choked out. He smiled, I pulled my hand away softly. "You're the new girl?" "I guess I am." He smirked at my response.

I heard a loud creaking noise. My head snapped towards one of the walls. It was like it was happening in slow motion. The wall began to fall over. My head snapped back to we're Ron was standing. I looked around and then back towards the wall. The biters began to roam from behind the walls into the wall. I quickly reacted and grabbed my bowie knife out of my torn up satchel. I back up a bit when the biters began to get closer.

The adrenaline rushes through my veins. The pungent smell ran through my airways. I stab the first biter that was in my range. Two turned into five. Then five turned into ten. It felt like an out of body experience until my knife got lodged between two biters heads. I pulled with all of my might. I quickly gave up and pushed the two dead biters into the crowd of death. I backed away quickly, looking around. I felt a hand grab mine, pulling me along.

I looked up at the figure to see Carl. Rick was way ahead of us, yelling, "God Dammit Carl, Hurry up!"

My legs pushed in-front of one another. I heaved but continued on. Carl's hand tightened against my wrist as we caught up to Rick, who seemed to have been holding a woman with reddish-orange hair. She seemed to have been hurt. Quickly we ran through the streets.

Finally what seemed to be forever a woman's voice yelled for us, "In here!"

We ran onto a porch, the door shutting behind us. I quickly caught my breath, I looked over at Carl. His hand still connected to my wrist. I felt safe. His face turned pink. I shrugged my hand away, awkwardly. "Thank you." I told him.

"Don't mention it." He muttered, walking up the stairs to his father.

I looked around the house. The boy I saw before was looking at me. "You left me." I said.

His look of awe turned into a look of aggression. "Oh well. Survival of the fittest."

I gulped, "Excuse me?"

"You heard me." He smirked, crossing his arms. He walked up to me slowly. As he tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear, he whispered, "It's called survival of the fittest, princess."

"Don't touch me." I warned, reaching my hand toward my satchel.

"What are you gonna do Tessa? Huh?" His finger traced a shape on my jaw, he slowly stroked my cheek.

"Last warning, back away." I threatened. My hand searched around my satchel for my knife. My heart pounded as I remembered that it was out in the horde.

He smacked his lips together. "Tsk tsk tsk."

"Get off of her." A voice said.

Ron looked in the doorway, "Carl Grimes, what a pleasure." He rolled his eyes, his arms unlatched from the wall and to his side. My breathing finally normalized.

"Leave her alone." Carl said. "I was just having a little fun with the newbie," He looked back at me, "Ain't that right sweetheart?"

"By basically sexually assaulting her? Grow up, Ron. Enough with the childish games." Carl spat.

I backed away from Ron near a door. I opened the door and walked into the garage, I guess. I walked over to the metal shelf and saw a bunch of paint and easels. I don't know why I was intrigued.

The door shut.




alrighty so im gonna update thus book every other day :)

love yall

xx Luna.

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