Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I sat on the couch out in the hallway outside of Gregory's office door. Carl nowhere to be found.

I picked at my thumb, a piece of dead skin was hanging off of it. I knew he was messing around with Enid god knows where. And I knew that it put a dent in my heart. It's life though. I need to get over myself. "Tess." Rick called. I opened the office door. "Yeah?" "Explain to us where the place is." I walked in fully, shutting the door behind me. "He's using an old factory, walkers are in some kind of closed off court yard. He has a lot of fire power, a lot of men. But I guarantee if all of us team up together we can take all of those men out without an issue. For the better world." I said.

"Gregory, We already started this." Rick said. "You started it." He shot back. "We did. And we're gonna win. We know this place now, we can map it out."

"These are killers."

"Is this how you want to live? Under their thumb, killing your people?" Rick was stating the obvious. "Sometimes we don't get to choose what our life looks like. Sometimes, Ricky, you have to count the blessing you have."

"How many people can we spare? How many people here can fight?" Maggie asked.

"We?" Gregory scoffed, "I don't even know how many people we have here, Margaret. And does it even matter? I mean." He scoffed again.

I looked him dead in the eyes, "Actually Geoff, it does matter how many people you have left here buddy. They are your people. Your people! You should be pissed off that Negan and his fucking cult of fan girls and fan boys keep fucking killing them and then claiming that they are fucking Negan! I mean seriously, do you even care about the fact that he's taking your people away for his own health? The doctor from here? He takes your supplies, He takes every fucking thing from every fucking body without any sign of remorse, that is why he needs to go." I said. The office door shut. I turned around to see Carl walking in, a slap mark stained his face. I turned back around facing myself towards Gregory, biting my lip.

"I couldn't of said it better myself." Rick said.

"What are you gonna do huh? Start a platoon of sorghum farmers? 'Cause that's what we got. They grow things. They're not gonna wanna fight." He said. "You're wrong." I said once again, "You're so wrong. When people have the chance to do the right thing, they usually step up. I mean, people just-" Gregory put a hand up, "Let me just stop you before you break into song."

"Excuse me?" I said, rather harshly. Gregory ignored me, "Also who would train all this cannon fodder?"

"I will." Sasha said, "Give me a week." Rosita said. "I'll do it." I said.

"Rhetorical, okay?" He said in a sing-song voice. "I don't wanna know." He went back to his normal voice. "I never wanna hear another word about any of it, ever."

Rick was getting fed up. "Would we be better off without the Saviors, yes or no?"

"Yeah. Sure. Okay." "So, what will you do to fix the problem?" Michonne butted in. "I didn't say we had a problem. You did and what happens outside of my purview is outside of my purview." He said. "That's it." I said slamming my fist onto the table. "That's it, enough of the childishness and the stupidity coming out of your mouth." "What the hell man?" Daryl spoke up, "It's either you're with us or you ain't. You're sittin' over there on your ass talking out of both sides of your mouth."

Gregory got up nervously, "I think I've made my position very clear and I want to thank all of you for not being here today and not having this meeting with me. In other words, go out the back." Everyone exited the room, "Cmon Tess." I heard Daryl. "Y'all hold on a second, let me chat with our not dear old friend." Rick nodded his head, "Let her, we will be waiting." And with that the office door shut.

"Now I sa-" "I don't care what you said, sit." I said rather harshly. He sat with an instant. "You're just gonna sit here and watch more of your people get killed?" I asked. "I mean, no-"

"Then join us. We can train you and your people within a week maybe even less. I promise you that. Hell i've been out there longer than anyone here, guaranteed."

"I don't know Tianna."

"My name is Tessa, not Tianna, not Teddy, not fucking Trya, it's Tessa." I said. He sat silent, "Fine you old prick, have it your way." I whipped open the office door and walked out of the building to see Hill Top's people standing there. "They're in." Carl whispered. I smiled. We found ourselves walking towards Hill Top's gate.

I ignored the conversations, blocking them out. I stopped walking when I noticed everyone else stopped walking. Jesus held a walkie talkie out, "It's long range and it's one of theirs. We can listen in, keep track of them." Enid looking at us, crossing her arms, looking back at Jesus.

"If we're not going back then what are we doing?"

"I think it's time you all meet Ezekiel. King Ezekiel."


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