Chapter Twenty-Five

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Night fell upon us rather quickly. I was back on the couch at the Grimes' Residence. I looked at the ceiling. I already went to Rick earlier in the night like he asked.

Now I found myself crying quietly because of what had happened today. I got Olivia killed and Eugene taken away. I could careless about Spencer, he dug that grave himself and jumped right into it. I hugged the pillow from the couch, crying into it softly. I killed people today, I killed people without even pulling a trigger, today. I could hear my heart beating rapidly in my chest as I cried more and more, my heart breaking more and more. I felt two arms embrace me. I felt a pair of lips kissing my forehead. I felt his words sing into my ear. His words oh how the words intoxicated me. I wanted to push him away, I wanted him to yell at me and blame me for today, I wanted him to hate me. But he didn't. Instead of pushing him away, I felt myself wrapping my arms around his figure also. "It's not your fault." It was like he was reading my mind.

I stayed quiet. His fingers brushed through my hair as I rested my head on his shoulder. His arm wrapped around me as I stared into oblivion. The front door opened, Michonne and Rick walked through the living room door, "I was hoping you two were awake." I shifted myself off of Carl, "Why?"

"We're going to Hill Top, bright and early, I'll explain more in detail when we get there." Rick said. "Get some rest you two."

"You want us to come with you?" Carl asked. "After what I did today?" I asked. "What we did today." Carl corrected myself.

"Yeah, We want you two to come with us tomorrow, it's time for a world order change." And with that, Rick and Michonne walked up the stairs leaving us two together.

I stared at the wall, "What did that mean?" Carl asked.


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