Chapter Thirty

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That night I found myself in Carl's room, once again. We sat up talking about comics, video games, music. He looked at me while I geeked out over Batman, "What?" I asked. "You're just cute." He said. I smiled, my face getting red. He kissed me softly. "I love you." He said out of nowhere, his eye widened. "I mean." He said nervously. I was shocked, really shocked. My face turning redder. He looked away, "I uh- sorry." "Look at me." I said softly. "I'm sorry Tes-" "It's okay because, I love you too." He looked back at me, kissing me. "Dad and Michonne gone still?" He asked. "Nope." I whispered, "Why?" He chuckled, looking down, "Not-"

Rick opened the door. "We have an early morning tomorrow, get to bed you two. Judith is at Hill Top, with Maggie. A war is coming." I nodded.

Rick shut the door behind him. The room fell silent. I turned the lamp off. Turning my back from Carl. "I love you Tessa Ann." He whispered. "I love you Carl Grimes." I whispered back. I stared at the wall until I fell asleep.


I walked to the gate of Alexandria with Rick, Rick climbed the guard post tower. The Scavengers came through the gate. Carl was by my side within minutes. I laced my hands with his in an instant. He brought ours hands up his mouth, swiftly. Kissing the back of my hand. I felt myself crumbling underneath his touch, underneath everything. I just wanted this whole thing to be done and over with. I just wanted to go home with Carl tonight, like usual, sit on his bed reading comics and doing cute shit.

What if I don't make it back for a tonight.

I looked down, sadly. His hand squeezed mine for reassurance, I sent a fake smile his way, squeezing his hand back.

The gate creaked shut, I cringed at the sound. I gazed at Carl. "What's wrong?" And by an instinct, I grabbed his face, planting a lingering kiss on his lips. Our lips molded perfectly together. I back away a bit. He said breathlessly, "What was that."

"I don't know." I said softly, "A good luck and be safe thing, I guess." I laughed a little bit. We laughed together.

"I love you." I whispered to Carl. "I love you too." He smiled. I let go off his face. I held his hand, firmly. Not wanting to let go. My other hand placed on my pistol, waiting. Waiting for the cars to pull up. Rick looked at me from the guard post, "Get up here Tess," I looked at Carl, swallowing harshly. "Go." He said softly. Our hands disconnected. My stomach dropped as I climbed the ladder. I nodded at Rick. Watching the road with him.

The turkey call blared through my ears, I swallowed harshly, my stomach dropping, "Get ready." Rick said, gripping his weapon. Carl stood on the guard post over from us. I watched as he pointed the assault rifle at the road. Rick handed me a heavy assault rifle, I did the same. Waiting.

"Rosita, Get into position. I'll signal you." Rick said. "Get hidden guys!" Rick said. I ducked beneath the wall, the woman doing the same. "And the walls gonna hold?" Rick asked Rosita. "It'll hold." Rosita said. The sound of vehicles approached. My stomach dropped for the millionth time today. My mouth went dry. "All points are covered." Eugene's voice boomed out of the microphone. "Every contingency is already met. I come armed with two barrels of the truth. A test is upon you, and I'm giving out the cheat sheet." The brakes squeaked and hissed as the trucks and cars stopped. Engines shutting off. "H-Hello." Eugene spoke again. "I come salved with the hope that is my dropped knowledge that you heed." I glared at the ground. "Options are zero to none." Eugene sighed, "Compliance and featly are your only escape. Bottom-lining it, you may thrive, or you may die. I sincerely wish for the former for everyone's sake. The jig is up and in full effect." I glanced over at Carl, protectively. "Will you comply, Rick?" There was a long pause.

"Where's Negan?" Rick asked. "I'm Negan." I heard Eugene. Rick looked at Rosita, nodding his head. She pressed the button quickly and Rick ducked down behind the protection of the metal wall. Nothing. It was fucking silent.

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