Chapter Twenty-Three

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We sat on the front porch once again, only this time a bunch of guards surrounded the place. I watched as Negan played pool with Spencer. Judith sitting in my lap. Their conversation was inaudible. Judith played with a strand of my hair. Babbling baby talk.

A ball fell into one of the pockets. Negan clapped, "Third one in a row!" He laughed, loudly. Continuing back to the game. More people began to gather around the pool table, watching Negan and Spencer Monroe play their little pool game. The balls clacking as they hit each other. Carl held onto my pinky, once again, with his. Judith playing with my hair.

I watch intensely as Negan moved near Spencer. His mouth puckered as he smacked his lips together, pouty like. Negan put his glass to his mouth, taking a sip from his drink, his hand moved as he talked, still inaudible. Deep down, my stomach knotted, like it knew something bad was going to happen.

Negan put his drink down. The conversation growing more intense, I could pick up on it this time. "Yes, Rick may of threatened to kill me and he may just hate my guts. But he is out there right now, gathering shit for me to make sure I don't hurt any of the fine people that live here." Negan mouth fell into a half smirk, "He is swallowing his hate and getting shit down." A chuckle escaped his mouth, "That takes guts." He hunched back over, resting his hand on the table and hitting the pool stick against yet another ball and the ball dropped in the pocket with a clanking noise. "And then there's you." Negan pointed at Spencer, putting his stick down as the white ball followed the other ball into the pocket. "The guy who waited for Rick to be gone so he could sneak over and talk to me, to get me to do his dirty work-" I glared at Spencer. He was trying to get rid of Rick, "So he could take Rick's place. So I got to ask, if you wanna take over, why not just kill Rick yourself and just take over?"

I gulped harshly, my throat felt dry, "Olivia, Take Judith inside, please." She nodded quickly taking the toddler out of my grip, the door shutting softly behind her. Carl looked at me, I looked back at him. "Something is gonna happen, I can feel it." I whispered, my teeth clenching as my gaze fell back upon the two men. 

Spencer stammered over his words. Negan's words then fell quiet again. He reached into his pocket, swiftly taking a knife out and stabbing Spencer right in the stomach. I stood up quickly, gripping the railing of the porch. Teeth clenched as I heard the sound of the knife going farther into him. Everyone gasped. Spencer gasped for air.

With a single swift move of the very sharp knife, Negan cut into him even more, his guts spilling out on the pavement. This made my stomach churn from the inside and out. Blood and guts poured out from the very big wound.

Spencer groaned, falling onto his knees, holding his stomach with his hands. Blood poured from his mouth as he fell to the ground. I felt the need to turn away but I didn't. I watched the whole thing unravel in front of me. "You did have guts!" Negan shouted, "I've never been so wrong in my whole life!" His mouth fell into a cynical smile. Blood was splattered on his face. Negan turned to us. I felt myself swallowing harshly. Hell I felt myself shedding a tear. Negan placed the bloody knife back into his knife holster. He picked Lucille up. "Now someone oughta get up here and clean this mess up." No one moved a muscle.

I felt myself inching towards the stairs. I felt obliged. That was until a hand gripped my wrist, stopping me entirely. I backed away the arm getting less tense. "Oh. Anyone wanna finish the game?" He pointed his at at everyone, "C'mon. Anybody?" Again no one answered, "C'mon, I was winning." He said grinning.

A single gunshot could be heard throughout the street.

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