Chapter Forty-Three

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A high pitched cry filled the air. Tessa's chest pumped up and down, fast. She tried catching her breath. The crying got louder as she saw Siddiq cleaning the baby off, her baby. Tessa's eyes widened, tears pooling out of her eyes. Her legs trembled, collapsing against the cot.

Maggie wiped the beads of sweat off of Tessa's head.

The baby continued crying, louder and louder. Siddiq carefully walked back, Abi was in his hands. Tessa smiled, she sat up carefully, Siddiq handed the baby off to Tessa, the crying immediately stopped. Tessa looked at Abigail and saw her facial features, her tiny fingers and tiny toes. Her nose looked like Carl's and she had those piercing blue eyes. Tears welling up in Tessa's eyes, "Hi Abi." She whispered softly, "I'm your mommy." She placed a tiny kiss on her forehead, the baby yawned. Maggie handed Tessa a bottle, she took it, holding it up to Abi's lips, Abigail gracefully took it, sucking on the nipple, the contents slowly reaching the end.

Tessa looked up at everyone surrounding her, they looked back at her, smiling, tears falling from their faces. "They'd be so proud of you." Maggie whispered, smiling, holding Hershel Jr. She nodded, "I know."


Tessa watched as the gate opened, her heart pounding in her chest as the tiny girl ran towards her, "Abi!" Tessa said, bending down a bit, the girl ran in her arms, engulfing her in a hug. "Momma!" She squealed, Judith wrapped her tiny arms around her also, Tessa closed her eyes. "My sweet girls." She whispered, "I'm glad you're both okay." They let go from the hug, "Did you have fun with Uncle Aaron?" They nodded. "Me and Judith helped people." Abigail said proudly. Tessa's eyes looked up to see four strangers standing near the gate, she got up instantly, pulling the girls behind her. "Aaron what the hell is this?" Tessa spat, "You know the security protocol, all four of you."

"There's another hurt in the wagon." Eugene said. "Michonne won't stand for this, and neither will I." Tessa said. Within minutes Michonne rode back in on her horse. She jumped down, walking toward the group, looking at Aaron, shaking her head at what he told her, "Put them in holding and the one in the wagon in medical."

Tessa ushered the kids too the house, "I know your hearts were in the right place girls, but people are dangerous nowadays." Tessa said sadly.

"But Momma, you said Daddy and you always helped people." Abigail said, looking down. "I know baby, but that was before, this is now." Judith kicked the dirt, "I'm sorry, Tessa."

Tessa half smiled, "It's okay." She paused. "You two go help AJ wash up for dinner." They nodded, running up the stairs. Tessa walked in the kitchen, turning in the stove. The front door opened and closed. Michonne stood against the door frame to the kitchen. "Hey Michonne." Tessa said, putting the pasta in the boiling water. "Did you ground them?"

"No but, what they did was right. Abi said she was trying to be like Carl and I when we were younger." She smiled to herself. Michonne shook her head, "They still should get punished." Tessa stopped, "For what? They did something good, they were doing good, i am not going to punish Abi for doing good and being a good person."

"I unders-" "I'm the one playing house and taking care of the kids myself while you're chasing a ghost!" Tessa yelled, "I will not stand for you coming up in here after being gone for a whole week and telling me how to raise my daughter." Tessa said, Michonne gulped, "Im sorry, I just-" "Want answers, here's an answer, Rick is gone, he has been gone for three years and will always be gone, Take my advice, stop chasing after a ghost, it'll kill you." Tessa said harshly, walking out of the kitchen, "The pasta will be done in five minutes, the sauce has been cooking all day and is done, you think you can handle finishing dinner and handing out plates?" Michonne nodded. "Good."


After dinner, Tessa walked out to the front porch, her legs taking her to Carl's grave. She sat.

"Abi saved people today, she helped people. She compared herself to you and me." Tessa looked down, "She looks so much like you Carl, it's insane. Michonne is still chasing after your dad and it's tearing us apart."

"Abi started wearing your flannels to bed because she wants to be like momma."

"I love you and her." Tessa gripped the ring that laid on a necklace chain, "Forever and always,

Tessa Ann Grimes."


I hope you all enjoyed the book! let me know if you want me to write anything specific! i love y'all and i can't believe it's been a whole year and i finally finished this book!

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