Chapter Six

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*A few months later*

Before this apocalypse I was a genuinely happy girl, I had friends, went out a lot, and I had a family.

Now I'm sad and alone, nobody to finally stick too. Why may you ask? Because I'm scared of commitment in a world like this, I'm scared that I'll make a new friend and watch them get shredded to pieces by those flesh craved monsters.

I'm also scared to love. My last boyfriend was when I was in the second grade, I really don't even count that. I'm just really fucking scared that I'll connect and then they'll break my walls down and I'll be in a vulnerable state, again, like I was with my family.

I laid on the Grimes' couch just looking at the ceiling, thinking is the only thing I can do.

I heard the floorboards creak above me, the sound of feet padding across the wood. I ignored the sound.

The stairs began to creak as if someone walked down them rather fast, the footsteps of whoever came closer to me.

Quickly looking over the couch, I see Carl Grimes, he stopped walking, "Sorry did I wake you?"

"No." I looked at him, "What are you doing up?"

"I couldn't sleep." He murmured. "What are you doing awake?" He asked.

"I don't know." I shrugged moving my legs so he could sit down. Carl sat in the spot my legs used to be. "How was your day today?"

I chuckled. "It was fine." I shrugged again.

"Do you sometimes miss your life before all of this?" Carl asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, I miss it a lot." I said looking in-front of me. I could feel his gaze was still on me. "I miss school, I miss my friends." I smiled sadly, "I miss my family."

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened to them?"

I gulped, it felt like my mouth went dry. "You don't have to answer!" He quickly said, "If you don't want to."

Clearing my throat, "No it's fine."

I looked at him, "There was a horde at my last camp, it was at night, the guards tried to fend them off, my dad was on guard that night, he tried to get to us quickly, but a walker bit his ankle." I took in a shaky breath. "I shot the walker but then one turned into five and five turned into twenty, There were so many, he got torn apart right in front of me." I continued, "It was my brother and me for the longest time until up to a month ago, he got sick with some flu and didn't make it, I didn't want him to turn." I looked away from Carl and hugged my knees, "So I did what anybody would've done in the situation, I shot him, right in the skull." I cleared my throat, trying to get rid of that huge guilty lump.

"I had to do the same thing." Carl said, "I had to shoot my mom." His voice cracked.

"You don't have to tell me." I looked at him, "You don't-"

"I want too." He said. "She lost way too much blood after giving birth to Judy." He looked down, "It was the gift of life and the curse of death." His voice cracked with sadness. "I didn't want to, I wanted her to be alright."

"I'm a monster." He choked out.

I moved closer to him, "No Carl you're not a monster."

"Look at me." He picked his head up, "I'm missing a fucking eye." He spat.

"I don't think of you as a monster," I said. "I see you as a person who's been through so much but they live through it every day, I see you as a fucking warrior, Carl Grimes."

A tear trickled out of his eye and he quickly wiped it, "Night Tessa." He quickly got up from the couch and headed for the stairs.

"Night Carl," I said putting my head back down on the pillow.

I heard the floorboards above me creak and then the house fell silent.

Until I heard the boy above me cry.



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