Chapter Twenty-Nine

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After Carl fell asleep, I found myself leaving his room and going downstairs on the couch. I don't know why. I haven't stepped foot into Maggie and Glenn's house since the incident. I hugged my knees staring at the wall of the living room, like I usually did at night.

I remember when I wasn't an emotional wreck. I remember shutting myself off from there. I stole from people without a care in the world. Hell I probably would've killed a person without a care if I didn't run with Rick that day.

The floor boards creaked above me. I got up, walking to the bottom of the stairs, at the time Carl stood, yawning. "Tess?" "Sorry, I was thirsty." I walked up the stairs quietly, "I didn't mean to wake you." He hugged me, "It's fine, I was awake." He lied. We walked back to Carl's room. The mattress making a sound as we both got on it. As we laid underneath the covers, legs tangled together.

He kissed the top of my forehead, his bandage was off, I just noticed. I listened to the sound of his heart beating. I traced tiny shapes on his chest. "That tickles." He whispered, laughing a tiny bit. "Doesn't that suck?" I said, continuing to trace the shapes. He chuckled. "You should get some sleep."

"I'll be fine for a few more minutes." I said. "Dad and Michonne still gone?" He asked. "Yeah." "I have a few ways you can be tired." I picked my head up, looking at him, "Right." "Hey, I do!" He said. "Like what, hm?" I asked. "Chess, what were you thinking." He joked. "I hate you." I jokingly stated, putting my head back down. "No you don't." "You're right."

I turned myself so my back was facing him, he held me close. I felt myself slowly falling asleep. Soft snores escaping Carl's lips. Sleep consumed me.


I'm awakened by the front door slamming shut. Rick and Michonne shushing each other and laughing could be heard. Carl groaned. I yawned. Carl's bedroom door, opened slightly. "Tess, Carl." Rick whispered. I sat up, "Hm?" "We hit the jackpot." I raised an eyebrow.

"Guns, Food, Supplies." He smiled. I shot up, "Really?" He nodded. "Carl get up!" I shook him, "Is it time?" I asked Rick. "Not quite, we need more guns. More of a plan." I nodded. "What are you two doing though?" Rick asked.

Carl groaned again, "I just wanna sleep."

"I must've fell asleep reading comics." I lied. "Sorry, Rick." He nodded, leaving the door wide opened. Carl laughed, quietly. "Shut up." I threw the covers off of me. Letting my feet hit the floor. I stood up, stretching. Walking out of the bedroom, shutting the door behind me. I put on my worn out sneakers. Letting the front door close behind me.

My feet pulling me towards my house. I gulped. Walking through the front door, going straight up to my room. I opened my closet door, taking a bag from it, stuffing clothes into it. I traded out my sneakers for my combat boots. I changed clothes in the process of this. I walked out of the house, the door shutting behind me. I made my way back to the Grimes house. Rick and Michonne leaving once again. I brought my bag upstairs into Carl's room. His bathroom door shut, the shower running. His bed was unmade. I made his bed, grabbing a book from his bookshelf and I sat there, reading, waiting.

Carl walked out of the bathroom. I didn't look up, I was too engrossed into the book I was reading. "My dad and Michonne leave?" I nodded in response. His closet door opened and shut. "Gazebo with Judith today?" He asked. I smiled, looking up from my book, "Yeah, that seems nice." His bandage was off, "You need help?" I asked. "Please." I set the book down on the bed, sitting up grabbing the gauze and the wrap. After I was done I put his hat on his head. His lips pressed against my softly. I smiled.

I never knew that my life would change for the better because of him.

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