Chapter Forty-Two

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This chapter is in memory of a good friend of mine. Abigail Grace. May you rest in piece beautiful.

Tessa inhaled deeply as she looked at the clouds, it had to of been in the middle of April. The snow finally stopped falling a few weeks ago. The weather was chilly, but it felt good. Tessa looked like she was ready to pop any minute, she definitely felt like it. Alexandra had been cleared out sooner, thanks to Tessa. Morgan and Rick built a jail cell for Negan, which he is currently in. The Saviors and all of the other groups have come together to work as a community.

Her hair fell above her shoulders, she pushed herself off the steps to her house. Stretching her arms outward. She saw Michonne running, Tessa chased after her, holding her stomach. "Michonne?" She yelled out. "T-The camp, they-they fought." She ran towards the gate, Tessa hobbled along. "You can't go, Tessa." "I am fine." "Tessa, plea-" "Let me help you!" 

Michonne sighed in defeat, "We need to go to the camp, quickly." Tessa nodded. The got into the car. Drove for a few before stopping at Hilltop and basically sprinting the rest of the way with the others. 

Tessa was the first at the camp, tents were shredded. She felt so defeated. A walker groaned from the left of her, she reached for her knife and plunged it into the walkers skull, she pushed it off of her knife, the walker fell with a thud. "Rick?!" She yelled out. The others were still far behind her, Tessa had a head start.

Tessa decided to go towards the bridge, running, her boots hitting the ground harshly. She looked behind her to see Daryl running a few feet behind her. He nodded. "Rick!" She yelled out again. Her heart was pounding. She heard more walkers growling, at least a whole heard. She quickened herself. 

Her and Daryl came to a tree clearing, Rick laid on the bridge a walker coming behind him, Daryl quickly shot the walker with his crossbow. "Rick!" She yelled. "Rick!" Michonne was right next to them. Michonne took off running towards the bridge. "Hold on, Rick!" Tessa yelled. Maggie, Carol, and the others were right behind her. Rick picked himself up, he nodded towards us. "He's hurt!" People began shooting. Rick began to shake his head, his mouth was moving, "No. Not for me. There is too many." They couldn't hear him. 

He removed his ax from the holster and swung it at the walker. He panted, falling forward a bit. Tessa used her sniper with the suppressor, shooting any that got close to Rick, Daryl doing the same with his crossbow.  

Rick began to aim his python towards the walkers. Tessa removed her eye from the scope, "What's he doing?" Daryl asked, she shook her head. "I don't know." The cramps in her stomach began to worsen over time, she pushed the pain back, looking through her scope. 

Rick shot his python, a big explosion emitted from the bridge. "Rick!" Tessa yelled.  Tears fell from her eyes. Daryl's lip trembled. Tessa dropped her weapon, Daryl looked down, wiping the tears that escaped his eyes. Daryl turned around walking away. Tessa looked at the water. Watching as the walkers fell. Carol was by her side, "Tessa?" She gripped the tree for support. "I-The-The baby. The baby." She was able to say. She gritted her teeth, arching her back. Carol held her back. "We need to get you back to Hilltop." Tessa nodded. Carol put Tessa's arm over her shoulder, guiding her through the woods. Tessa was drenched in sweat, gasping in pain. Carol shushed her, telling her it was gonna be okay. Tessa closed her eyes, "C-Carol I need to-"

"No, not yet, we are almost there." She said sternly, "Not yet, Tessa." Tessa nodded, gulping. 

Tessa heard the gates creak open. Another person on her side, helping her towards the infirmary. "I-I need to- I need to push." Tessa cried out. Carol dragged her, ignoring her. Everything Tessa heard was inaudible. She was laid on the cot, her pants and underwear ripped down to her ankles. Someone put a blanket over her. She picked her legs up, breathing heavily. Carol checked, "She's eight centimeters." "Good, she can start pushing soon. It's too late for morphine, I need someone to get a water and a blood bag going, ASAP." Siddiq yelled

She felt the needles poking into her arm. She clenched her teeth in pain, letting out a yell. "It's just a contraction, She is fine." Tessa whimpered in pain.

A few hours went by. Tessa was sleeping. Daryl and Maggie was sitting in the chairs. Siddiq checked her vitals. "It's almost time." Maggie nodded. Maggie put her hand on Tessa's arm, shaking it lightly. "It's almost time, Tessa." Tessa nodded, "Can I have some water?" She whispered. Daryl handed her the plastic cup, she drank the water. 

"It's time."

Walkers//c.g✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora