Chapter Twenty-Eight

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The car came to a halt, the engine shutting off. Rick, Jesus, and I exited the vehicle. I began shielding my eyes from the sun until they adjusted to the atmosphere. I looked around, taking in the area, I took a deep breath as a breeze hit my face. "It's called the Kingdom?" Rick asked Jesus, shutting the door of the car. "Yeah. I didn't name it." Jesus said.

Rick looked around with me also. I hugged my blade closer, we only had close range weapons and Rick's python. "How much farther?" Rick tucked a hand in his front pocket. "Well, technically, we're already here." Jesus said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I mean, we're always here, but here we are, at the Kingdom." I raised an eyebrow. "Well, it's the outer edge." Jesus explained.

Daryl opened his side of the car, "Hey, what the hell we waitin' on?" Good question. "Waiting for them." Jesus pointed. I followed his finger, the sound of hoof beats pressed on the road. My eyes widened, "Horses?" I whispered look at Jesus. One of the horse snorted. I smiled, "I haven't seen a horse since I was a child." My smile growing. "Who dares to trespass on the sovereign land of the-!" A man with a sword said. I raised an eyebrow, trying not to laugh. "Oh shit." The guy said. "Jesus is that you?" Jesus waves to the man. "Who are all these people Paul?" He asked Jesus.

"Hi, Richard," Jesus began, "Nice to see you." He walked towards them. "It's good to see you, too. Your friends, who are they?"

"This is Rick Grimes," He raises his hand towards Rick. "He's the leader of a like-minded community. These are some of his people. We would like to request an audience with King Ezekiel." The man got off of his horse, "Get out of the car."

Everyone exited. Carl stood by my side, pinky laced with mine. "You say they're a-a like-minded community? Like-minded how?" Richard asked.

"We live, we trade, we fight the dead. Sometimes others." Richard nodded. "Line up." He said.

"Okay. This is a waste of time. Come on, let's go." Daryl said, walking back to the car. Everyone else lining up. "I agree." I spoke up.

"Maybe you're right." Richard started, "The King is a busy man and it's a dangerous world. We don't usually allow a pack of strangers to waltz through our door."

"We will leave a few people back if it bothers you that much. We just want to speak with the King." Rick said.

"We wanna make the world less dangerous, and we are all here to show the King, how serious we are about that." Michonne said.

"The car stays outside. You gotta hand over your guns."

"We only have two." Rick said. Rick and Carl handed over their pistols. Carl's pinky unlaced with mine as we began walking. I stayed farther back. Just to observe and watch. Our surroundings.

The gates of The Kingdom slowly opened. We walked through and I gazed around in awe. "Holy shit." I whispered. Men were jogging. Woman walking and gossiping. Kids running around playing a game of tag. A huge garden. I took it all in. "Morgan?" Tara asked. A man walked near us. "Hey." Everyone hugged him, besides me. I didn't know him well.

"The King is ready to see you." Richard said. I began following them until Carl tugged me back, gently. "How about we let the adults deal with that and we walk around?" He whispered. Rick looked at us, "Y'all coming?" Daryl asked.

"Nah, we're gonna walk around, possibly head back to the car." I said. "Be safe." Rick said and with that we walked away from the group.

As we walked, I watched the kids playing. "This is like a fairytale." I whispered. "It feels so surreal. The Kingdom, The King. It's like right out of a story book."

"It's insane." Carl said, his hand grazing mine. "I could've sworn I heard a tiger or a lion."

"Now that's insane." I chuckled, he laughed with me. "You put your bandage back on." I stated. "Yeah, what about it?" He asked. "Why?" There was a long pause, "I don't know. I don't think the new people wanna see some crater in my face. It'll scare them." "Don't listen to what other people say or think ,Carl." We were walking back to the car. A walker emerged from behind a different car. "I got it." I said, taking my blade from my knife holster. Carl watched as I plunged the blade into the walkers skull. It dropped, even more lifeless then before. I wiped my blade onto my pants, placing it back into the holster.

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