Chapter Twenty-Two

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Negan sat at the dining room table, where Rick usually sat during our Sunday family dinners. Which sounded extremely cheesy and unrealistic but that's how it was. It felt like something that should never happen during he apocalypse, but it happens and will always happen. Judith in his arms.

I looked at the plate of spaghetti infront of me. My stomach uneasy. I could feel eyes on me. Negan set his fork down, "Tess, dear, why aren't you eating?" He asked. I scoffed, looking at him, "I'm not hungry." "Not hungry? Now now now, what type of example is that setting for Judith." My chest pinged with pain. "You're right, Negan." I said picking my fork up. He smiled. Judith stirring in his arms. "Oop, looks like someone is hungry." He looked at Carl, "Make her a bottle, would yah?"

Carl's chair screeched as he got up. He walked into the kitchen. His face expressionless. I looked at Negan, "If this is some kind of sick game, leading up to you killing one of us, for the love of god, don't hurt him or Judith." Negan chuckled, "Now why would you think that?"

"Dinner? Shaving? Taking a 'tour' of our house-"

"Funny enough, I didn't see any of your stuff here." Negan smacked his lips. "In fact I haven't seen a single thing that belongs to you here." I froze. "Their house."

"Now why don't you live here?" "I lived with Maggie and Glenn." "Why?"

I lied straight through my teeth. "I just didn't think it was appropriate." I put my fork down. My plate still untouched. Olivia looked at me. "
Carl came back with a bottle, "Can I have her?" He asked. "It's okay, I think i'll feed her." Negan smiled, looking over at Lucille, "Lucille is hungry also." I gulped, harshly. My throat feeling dry all of the sudden.

Carl handed Negan the bottle, sitting down next to me. I watched as Negan fed Judith her bottle. "Does she eat solid food?" Negan asked. "Some not all." I answered. I knew Judith like the back of my hand. I may not be her mother but I have watched her since the beginning of me living in Alexandria. She's like a little sister to me. I could never see myself being mother, especially in the apocalypse. "Like what?"

"Cereal, fruit, some vegetables. I usually cut food up for her when we have soft foods. Rick wants her to outgrow the bottle." I told him.

Negan nodded, "Sorry about the bottle then."

"It's fine. She doesn't like spaghetti that much." I looked at my plate. Again with the lies. Judith's favorite food was spaghetti. She loved it.

I missed Maggie. I missed Glenn. I missed Abraham's stupid comments that never made sense. I missed everyone. I missed my brother the most. I miss him more than ever right in this situation. I wanted to go back to my bed at my home. I wanted to cry. I wanted this never ending lying nightmare to end.

Carl gripped my pinky with his. It was comforting to say the least. My breathing controlled, I felt calmer than before. I looked at his face. His bandage was still off. "You still haven't ate anything."

"Sorry." I apologized, setting my gaze at Negan. "It's fine, I get it. This must be stressful." I raised an eyebrow, "What?"

"The guy you were going to kill is holding your little friend." He half smiled. "Don't worry, Tess. I'm not gonna hurt her. She's too damn cute to hurt."

Then there was a knock at the door. It echoed through the house.

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