Chapter Twenty

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I watched as Negan approached a huge furnace, I saw an iron inside and a man tied up in a chair. I gulped. I saw the girl from earlier, she was crying as another woman in yet another skin tight black dress comforted her. Rachel looked at me, "She got caught cheating on Negan with the guy tied up in the chair." She said bluntly. "Is this normal?" Carl asked. Rachel looked down, "Yes but those who break Negan's rules have to pay the very harsh price, how do you think he runs this place? Everyone is scared of him, well almost everyone." Rachel whispered to us, it's like she didn't want anyone hearing her.

"Right. Because this is what I wanted to do today, I just thought, "Hey maybe I should go to the Saviors' den and watch some poor guy get ironed." I scoffed looking at Rachel, "No I came here on a mission and failed. I'd rather be the guy in the chair." A tear trickled down my face. "And now the people I love and care about are gonna get punished for my mistake." Rachel went to go hug me, I stepped back, "No, you don't get to stumble back into my life when things are starting to get good. Do you know what my life was before I met my new family? Do you know the pain I felt when i had to kill my own brother? When I had to watch him sick and weak and changing? No you don't. You only care for yourself." I spat. She turned away from me, "I'm sorry, Tess."

"No you're not. If you were sorry, you would've found me, you wouldn't have left me and Brad, to fend for ourselves."

Negan banged Lucille on the floor. Everyone got on one knee, including Daryl. I looked at Rachel as she kneeled. Carl and I were the only ones standing. "Kneel." Rachel whispered. "Get bent." I scoffed.

She glared at me, shaking her head. Carl looked at me.

Negan started, "You know the deal." Daryl looked at Carl and I, he looked scared. I gave him a reassuring look. Negan handed his bat to me, "Hold that for me." I glared at him.

He walked down the stairs, near the furnace, "Whats about to happen is gonna be hard to watch. I don't want to do it. I wish I could just ignore the rule and let it slide, but I can't." He sighed. The guy in the chair looked down, sweat mixed with tears dripped down his face. His adam's apple bobbed up and down as he gulped or choked out a cough.

"Why?" He asked to crowd. "The rules keep us alive." The crowd responded. They sounded like brain washed robots. "That is right!" Negan waved for Carl and I to come down the stairs with him. Carl and I walked down the stairs, side by side. Lucille in my hand. "We survive. We provide security to others. We bring civilization back to this world. We are the Saviors. But we can't do that without rules. Rules are what make it all work. I know it's not easy. But there's always work. There is always a cost." Negan cleared his throat.

Carl and I reached the bottom step. "Here, if you try to skirt it, if you try to cut that corner!" Negan yelled, chuckling. "Then it is the iron for you."

"On your feet." Negan said. I stood next to Daryl, he pulled himself up with the mop. I looked at him, worried. "Are you-" He quickly shooked his head, putting a finger to his mouth. Quickly putting his hands back on the wooden part of the mop.

Negan put a heavy, black glove onto his right hand. Dwight grabbed the iron with a long metal pole. Negan picked it up, smiling.

I looked at Carl, he shook his head.

"Mark, I'm sorry. But it is what it is." Negan presses the very hot iron onto Marks face, he screamed in pain for a few seconds but passes out because of the pain, a puddle trickled underneath him. My eyes widening as i turn my head away slightly. Carl's eye widened. The iron steamed against Mark's skin. I heard the skin shriveling up. I looked at Daryl. Daryl glancing at the both of us. I looked at Negan and Mark.

Negan slowly took the iron off of Mark's face, a piece of skin stretching back with the iron. I felt like I was going to hurl. "Ah, that wasn't so bad, now, was it?" Dwight put the iron back into the furnace. My stomach doing flips. The guy soiled himself. A puddle surrounded the chair.

"Jesus, he pissed himself." Negan said. Negan glances at Daryl, "Clean that up." Daryl glances at us and took his mop, mopping the puddle. "Doc, I'm all done. Do your thing." The doctor walked over to Mark, examining him. "Well, the pussy passed out. But it's settled, we are square. Everything is cool. Let Mark's face be a daily reminder to him and to everyone else that the rules matter!" I glanced at Dwight's face.

"I hope that we all learned something today, because I don't ever want to have to do that again." He smirked, looking at Carl and I, walking towards us. "Some crazy shit, huh? You probably think I'm a lunatic. Come on. Let's go bring you two home."

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