Chapter Fifteen

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a few months later.

I stared at the wall for the first few weeks after Glenn got brutally murdered. I didn't come out of my room or eat. I was basically Death. That was until Carl decided to snap me away from my thoughts and back into reality.

I'm not completely over the fact about Glen and I, of course, want to get my revenge on Negan so I decided to strike today. They were going to be at Hilltop this afternoon to collect. I packed my satchel, a gun, a knife, and most water. I left a simple little note on the desk in the Grimes' house.

I am most definitely dead after today and if I am, don't stop building the community. Let it thrive. I want to see you guys survive and most importantly succeed. My goal today is/was to kill Negan and if I didn't, kill him. He deserves to die after what he did to Abraham and Glenn. His people deserve to weep like we did.

And Carl, thank you for being my best friend. I want you to live like you taught me when I was grieving over Glenn.

-Tessa Ann.

This was it, this was probably going to be my last few hours, hell maybe even day. I looked around to make sure nobody followed me and I began climbing the wall. After I was on the other side I booked it into the woods.

I am going to kill the bastard today or die trying.

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