Chapter Twenty-Six

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The Hill Top gate creaked at it opened. Maggie stood in the doorway. Tears brimmed my eyes and I walked towards her, engulfing her in a hug. She hugged back instantly "Hey you." I let go of the hug, "Hey." I sniffled. Rick hugged her, "You're okay?" "I'm okay." She responded, "The baby's okay all of us." That was a relief to here.

"You were right." Rick said, "Right from the start. You told us to get ready and fight. I didn't listen, I couldn't. I can now." I looked over from the wooden shack, Daryl emerged from it. Rick looked over Maggie's shoulder. He walked over to him. They hugged. Patting each other's back.

Enid looked over at Carl, he nodded his head at her, smiling. I ignored the pinging feeling in my chest as they hugged. I walked over to Daryl, him and Michonne broke from their hug. He looked at me. I instantly hugged him. He winced a little, hugging back, tightly. "Oh how i've missed your weird ass comments, kid." He chuckled, I laughed with him. "I definitely haven't missed the smell." I said. "Way to ruin the moment kid." We broke from our hug. "Next time you do something stupid like that again, I'll knock you into next week." He pointed at me. "I'm glad you're okay." I said. He nodded.

Daryl took Rick's python out of his back pocket, handing it to him. "I think you need this."

We all walked up to the huge building that Gregory was staying in. I saw him from his window, drinking what appeared to be scotch. Rick swung the front door open.

"It's time for a new world order."

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