Future edd x Reader

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Future Edd pov /

"Finally after many years I .. wait that was an insult"

(You know where these is going)

(Y/n) pov/

Man, it had to rain so hard that you and your friends Tom, Matt, and Edd where getting soaked. "Hey do see that Sinister looking guy in the alleyway ?" Edd Ask all of us and Tom said:"yea he is sinister looking." Looking at the wrong alleyway where this crazy man is staring at us. But Edd pointed to a different alleyway... Then Matt said, "it looks like Edd with the beard?" "Don't be silly matt only tom can do that." Edd pointed at tom " I have a disorder!"...I turn my head to see what look to be Edd.

(I'm not going through all the video soo time skip by Tom crying over Susan)

Everyone wants to bed except for me. I could not sleep with the storm outside so I watch some t.v. but heard a noise right behind me I turn my head around and to see.....Future and... I jump and was about to run upstairs to hide he stop me and kiss me on the lip. I was a very nice kiss, not a forced one so I melted into a kiss and started to kiss back... After pulling away for air....future Edd said: "(y/n) after many years I thought I lost you...(y/n) please come to the future with me and marry me." He got down on his knees and pull out ring and smile. Then I started to cry and said "YES!" I hug Future edd and want to the future and became his wife and we all lived happily after.

Eddsworld x readerWhere stories live. Discover now