Matt x dying Reader

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( this is base of the real-life Matt and I want to show you how I think Matt would react to this. also please leave Matt wife alone she doesn't like it.)

matt pov/ 

why most these happen to me, I already lost edd and now I'm losing (y/n) too....why is life hard. I was setting in my room with my girlfriend. "matt honey, I know it hard for you, I know the feeling of  losing someone close to you, but you must be strong, not for me but  for them. ¨ said, Katy. Matt gave a smile and hug her. ¨you're right I have to be strong for...(y/n)!¨ Matt said with courage and pride. 

hours pass it was time for Matt to visited his friend. after Matt arrived at the hospital he asks one of the nurses how (y/n) was they replied not very good. This made Matt down but he kept his courage up and had hope that (y/n) would get better, Matt walked into your room.  ¨ hey Matt long time no seen.¨ (y/n) said jokingly. Matt laugh at that ¨ gezz (y/n) I saw you yesterday how can that be that long!¨ Matt replied.  You and Matt talked and laugh, but when it was time for Matt to leave, you felt sad cause you knew this will be the last day on earth for you but you smile at the happy memories.

few hours later 

the phone rang and it was the hospital...they gave me the bad news and my heart sank... I have lost my second best friend.

( I hope you guys enjoy this x reader and also I'm sorry for not post for a weeks I been very busy, and one for thing this is how I thought Matt felt when he lost his only best know you guys know how Matt felt when Edd pass away RIP Edd hope you are doing well. )

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