baby edd x reader

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3 person pov/
It was cold and wet night the rain was coming down heavy you were in a hurry to get go home. You only leaved a block away from work had you ran you hread a little cry down in a alleyway. You were so curious and confuse in what was making that sound so you went to check in the alleyway. As you look around the noise got louder than before, in fact it was so close to you that u want were the sound want. After moving some junk you found little baby Edd crying in a basket wrapped around a blanket, you were shocked to find a baby. As you pick up the crying child you saw a note, you read the note it said.

" dear person who is reading this.
You are probably wondering why I left my child... I don't have the money to take care of him so whoever finds him I pray to God that you will help him..
I love you edd."

You cried reading this as you where  hold little edd. You decided to take him in as your own.

Year pass now your little edd is no longer little but now a great artists and a great son.

The end.

Hope you guys.

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