What More?~25

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Luke had been amazing the last few weeks. He was kind and thoughtful and gave me my space when I needed it. I was also feeling a lot better than I had been. I was actually able to go back to work even though I often took half days and finished the rest of my work at home. 

Me and Luke were staying in more often than going out. We cooked for one another instead of going to a crowded restaurant where the food was overpriced. 

"I'm gonna go get my nails done." I commented as I grabbed my bag. 

"Alright. Be safe. Call me if you need me." Luke commented as he spread out on the couch and I leaned down to kiss him. 

"I love you." I smiled. 

"I love you more." I left and went to get my nails done before quickly rushing back to him to make dinner. He was asleep on the couch when I got there. I smiled fondly at him before covering him with a blanket and going to the kitchen to cook him dinner. We had both decided on tacos yesterday during dinner and he rushed out this morning to buy the things we would need and even invited the boys over so we could all eat together. 

"Smells good." He commented coming into the kitchen and wrapping his arms around me. I smiled as I looked over my shoulder at him before getting out plates and bowls to put things in. 

"Thanks." I commented as the front door opened and Michael walked in with margarita mix. "Oh yes, Michael!" I said taking it from him excited and going to find the blender. Calum and Ashton showed up together just as I finished making everything and we sat down around the coffee table eating and talking. "Let's go get some ice cream." I said. I drank like 4 margaritas so I was a little tipsy. 

"How about we stay in? You look a little drunk." 

"I'm not drunk." I fought and tried to stand up and got too dizzy. "Maybe I'm a little drunk." I giggled leaning against the couch. The all laughed at me as I laid there defeated. 

"I don't think you're suppose to drink on that medication." Luke said standing up to read the bottle. "Yeah, babe, you're not suppose to do that." He commented shaking his head. 

"I'm sorry. Don't be mad at me." I said giving him puppy dog eyes. 

"I'm not. Say good night to the boys." He said picking me up off the floor. 

"Good night boys!" I giggled as he carried me away and got me into bed. "Did you enjoy the tacos?" I questioned. 

"I did, baby. Now sleep okay? I'm gonna go chill with the boys." He said as he wrapped a blanket around me and left. I couldn't fall asleep but I turned the t.v on to finish watching season 3 of How to Get Away with Murder. Luke and I had started watching it together but he got bored with it and stopped watching it with me. 

I wasn't sure if he was mad at me or not. It wasn't like it was the first I had gotten drunk but none of us were expecting each other to get drunk and I just happened to be the one to go that far. It happened a lot, I was the lightweight of the group. 

I slowly got up to pee and stood by the door listening to them talk. 

"I love her." I heard Luke say. 

"I can tell." Calum responded. "You don't stop talking about her and when she was going through some stuff you were there the whole time. That's all a relationship is." 

"What?" Luke asked. 

"A relationship. All it is, is being there for people when they need you. So many people don't get that." 

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