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Robin's POV
We leapt out of my portal and back into the streets of Gotham, the familiar smell of smoke and dirt in the air. We looked around for signs of Wally, hoping he had managed to track the Joker. We searched around, being the protege detectives we were and tried to find any clues, examining the ground and the rooftops either side of us. "There's no sign of him anywhere" Jason said. "He made it through, I know he did" Dick firmly spoke. "It's okay I'll find him, but now we have to figure out how to get home when it's broad daylight" I replied, hoping to dampen the growing panic in Dick's eyes.

While we had only gone into the marvel realm yesterday it appeared that we'd been gone for at least three whole days. I guess that's why, when the not so secret trackers Damian had put on us started blinking, Dad pulled up by the alleyway in a limo and with a worry stricken face. I also thought I saw a slightly angry undertone to his relief when he saw us, but it was obvious he thought he would deal with that problem later, probably when he wasn't in public eyesight. "Well there's our problem solved, who knew the demon spawn might actually have done something useful for once" Jason joked. "You're lucky he's not here to hear that, he'd probably have a knife at your throat for saying that" I replied. "I know, that's why I said it" Jason replied back smirking. "Guys just get in the limo, we need to get home so we can start looking for Wally and the Joker properly" Dick instructed.

Me and Jason clambered into the Limo and Dick got in after me. We all expected to get a lecture as we all sat there silently, but Dad didn't speak, in fact the only one who spoke was Alfred. "Thank god you children are safe. You've been gone three days now and after your aunt Georgie told us what happen Miss Robin we were truly worried" Alfred spoke. I smiled at Alfred's warming words, "thanks Alfred, I can assure you we're fine, we'll explain everything when we get home" I replied sweetly. "Of course Miss Robin" Alfred finished.

The rest of our journey was spent in an empty silence allowing me to carelessly gaze out at Gotham during the day. It surprised me how nice the city could seem in the waking morning light. The skyscrapers didn't look as menacing as they did in the night and the people on the streets smiled and radiated determination as they headed to work. The schools that we passed were filled with a cheerful laughter that made you grin, as you watched the stream of 7 and 8 year olds rush to greet their friends, excited and innocent without a care in the world. The sky no longer looked a murky grey and was now as blue as the ocean, a deep blue which made you drown in your train of thought and imagination. I smiled as I lost myself in admiring the city, my hope for a better Gotham wasn't gone yet.

I turned my head back into the limo and caught the gaze of my father, his stern eyes that were used to never shutting, were slowly blinking and growing gradually slower each time. A guilty pang rang through me as I realised my dad's true exhaustion. He would have spent every ounce of his life searching for me, no sleep, possibly no food, because he was stubborn and if Alfred couldn't get him to eat no one could. "Hey dad? Can I come to work with you one of these days? I guess it'd be fun to spend time with you" I asked, Dick and Jason both giving me warning looks. "Sure, that'd be nice" he replied. "Sounds good, but you should know I'm not going to go unless you get some sleep, and I mean proper sleep" I replied, hoping my not so mean blackmail would work.

"You know I can't do that Robin" he spoke. "Why not? C'mon Alfred tell him that he should. I know you're stubborn dad, but seriously when was the last time you got any rest?" I asked concerned. Alfred looked back at us briefly as he came to a red light. "Miss Robin isn't wrong, perhaps you should listen to your daughter" Alfred added. Dad sighed defeatedly, which was evidence enough he was tired, if he wasn't he'd be arguing against it still. "Fine, after we have sorted everything I will get some rest. I don't need both you, Alfred and Damian nagging me" my dad replied. I smiled triumphantly and kept the smug grin on my face as we came into the driveway at the manor.

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