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Olivia Davis is a teacher at Waterloo road, she also happens to be sleeping with tom clarkson. who is her boss and head of the English department. Olivia and tom have bri g sleeping together for months, since Olivia's first day. Olivia and tom have a friends with benefits relationship and even though tom is going out with rose, they still end up in bed together. But things get difficult, when Olivia realizes that she is pregnant and Tom finds out he has a son.

Can Olivia tell tom, that shes having his baby? or will olivia try and keep the baby a secret from him? After all,nothing can be hidden for too long, and will tom stick by and support Olivia through it all by being only friends or will something else, soon later develop between them?

A/n I own Olivia Davis and also Lillie Clarkson

Published: 9th August 2017

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