Chapter 48

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This chapter is my best cos I wrote it out of homour. Weird rightI cant believe I cried while writing this chapter and the nxt, you will know why at the end of this two chapters. I'm not saying you should cry too, warning!   I have no tissue to give to you, lol. So here we go.

Three months after Zahrah's accident, she was able to walk properly without tottering. Her wedding had been fixed equally the next month coming. She literally objected to the idea aforetime, but later goes on with it. She still feels little pain in her leg when she walks or stands for long.

She wisely got her self ready to visit Aysha, as Aysha had been having complications those days which got her confined at home.

Zahrah confidently stroll into the house, she'll limp sometimes when the vein in her leg got tight.

"Assalamu alaikum." she poked her head into the living room.

They both answered, the pallid Aysha and Adam who was sitting beside her making tea for her.

Zahrah flopped on a chair beside Aysha as she greeted Adam. He answered and handed Aysha the cup of tea, then got up and ambled to his room without saying anything to Zahrah.

Sceptically, Zahrah perceived something must definitely be wrong somewhere, Adam can never act nonchalant to her. She felt terribly uncomfortable with that. Even if they are on different path now, at least he should have talked to her as if nothing had ever happened. She scrupled on the issue ingeniously in the very shortest time and concluded he wants to move on with his life and make her invisible around him- for she's the cause of his troubles.

With that thought, she smiled subtly and praised her self at least for helping him move on without him muddling with his glum situation which her present always plop to his life.

"Zahrah you've been quiet." Aysha drawled. She kept the cup of tea carefully with her back against the cushion. "You didn't come all the way to be quiet and grave like this."

"How are you feeling." Zahrah sighed out.

"A little bit better I guess."

"Have you seen your doctor as of recent?" Zahrah queried officiously.

"Yes. She did scanned me again two days back." Ayshah responded groggily.

"The baby is alright I guess?" A hint of empathy in her tone.

"The baby is alright but she warned me not to do anything for now. I should be on bed rest." she smiled.

"In sha Allah everything will be ok" zahrah assured with a compassionate smile.

Adam came out of his room looking dismal and relentive. Suddenly, his mood changed to infused animation. He went and sat beside his wife smiling brightly to her. "I'm going out for a while." he announced, adoringly staring at her. "Since Zahrah is here I know you won't need me anymore."

Aysha nodded with a smile.

He stood up, kiss her on the cheeks and sauntered to the door oblivious or better put pretentious of Zahrah's present.

Zahrah smiled expressing awe for his cunning way of battling and defeating fate. She wanted to talk, she really wanted to say something but the speaker in her mouth is already weak giving the mute button space to play.

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