Chapter 2 One taken

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It had taken the four two weeks before they figured out the four girls, it would have been a week sooner that they would have captured the four but Leonardo had to get the info that Michelangelo collected about the four girls with his special ability: aura sensing, he was able to see the auras of people and describe said person from simply looking at there aura and when he told them what he discovered they were all surprised about it all "The one wearing pink... is the oldest" he had said making his brother's, there sensei, his daughter, her boyfriend, Chris and Xever confused "Yeah, I don't know why the one in light blue is the leader but she's the third oldest and the leader, the blond is the youngest and the dark one is the second oldest" he continued with what he discovered "But also the one in pink she doesn't have weapons but medical things on her, for some reason her aura is slowly turning to black" he explained making them confused as the two men left just like Karai and Chaplin leaving the four with Shredder "Find them and capture them" he said simply making them nod and leave to go and find the girls.

"We need to wait until they appear around here, then we go in to attack with smoke bombs, knock them out and bring them back to base" Leonardo explained making them all agree and wait for the girls to arrive, but they waited until the sound of guns was heard making them follow to see weird identical men with weird blasters shooting at three of the four girls making them go to figure out what was going on "Let's join the girls, make them believe were on there side" Leonardo said with them wearing jackets for the cold the Foot symbol was not seen when they went in to battle, Leonardo had secretly ordered Michelangelo to go towards the girl in pink during the battle, at some point Raphael lost one of his sais and it went near the girl in pink, in one swift movement she grabbed and threw it back to him as Michelangelo then moved towards her, but as he did the youngest saw this and threw smoke bombs causing the men to blast all around the place and towards the spot the one in pink was making the edge crumble as she fell to the ground "RETREAT!" the one in light blue said making the trio vanish just like the men did at that moment "Leonardo!" Michelangelo called making the three run to him as they saw the girl on the ground barely staying awake at the moment.

They dropped down to where she was as Donatello moved to examine her while the trio made sure no one came near them "She's badly hurt and doesn't look all that healthy" he claimed making them nod as Raphael moved to gently pick her up as they quickly moved back to the Foot base where the girl would get medical treatment and asked a few questions of her condition, as they moved Leonardo saw her trembling and realized that she wasn't wearing anything to keep warm like the other three, had they not gotten her a jacket to keep warm? in one swift movement he removed his coat and got it on her shoulders to keep warm just until they were inside the building, she opened her eyes to let him see her dark brown eyes watching his ocean blue ones, she looked to wish to say something but instead he saw it in her eyes "Where are you taking me?" was what her eyes were telling him as he gently took her from Raphael who needed to climb up a ladder making him get her on his shell "Were taking you somewhere to get you healed from your injuries" he explained as the confusion left her eyes.

She then smiled with eyes filled with hope that confused him to look so freed for some reason, they got a bit closer to the building as the sight of the three shadows of her sister's came to view as she looked towards Michelangelo who wrapped his scarf around her neck to keep her a bit more warm as Raphael moved over to lend her his three fingered gloves and helped her get them on, when they landed at the building the girls were gone as they went inside where Chaplin waited making the girl look slightly scared at the sight as Leonardo did something that surprised him which was gently rub her leg making her look at him "The roof under her collapsed making her fall and hurt her head, we need her examined" he explained making Chaplin nod as Donnie took her and walked away towards the medical rooms leaving Leonardo and his two other brother's to report to Shredder of the situation making them leave it to Leonardo and Michelangelo to explain everything "What is your report?" his voice echoed into the room.

"Three of the four girls were fighting odd men with blasters, Michelangelo was going near to the oldest until the youngest threw a smoke bomb, this caused one of those men to blast at the edge of the oldest and cause her to fall she is alive and getting looked at but is the only one we have at the moment" Leonardo explained making Saki nod and Michelangelo went to explained the men and the situation of the girl when he got close to her as Donatello came in with the girl, she had a few bandages on her at the moment and she looked a bit frightened at the moment as Saki looked at her making her shrink down to size in fear as she looked over to the ocean blue eyes of the turtle who first spoke to her as Donatello whispered something which made her go over to Leo in a quick movement as Donatello stood before there sensei "Speak of what you have discovered about the girl Donatello" Shredder said making Donatello nod before taking a quick look over to the girl "She didn't say her name and doesn't seem to understand anything we speak about" he first explained.

"Her head was hit badly and shouldn't have even come over but she already started to heal as we got here, but she doesn't even speak, her vocal chords are fine but if there was a reason why she doesn't then we can't force her to speak for now" he explained making them nod as Leo rubbed the girls back and cat ears gently while looking over to his master "Leonardo" Saki said making him bow "This girl is under you now" he said simply before walking away without listening for the 'Hai sensei' the turtles say, his three little brother's left for there rooms making Leonardo do the same with the girl who looked to be in pain from her feet at the moment so he kept close in case she falls down as they get to his room "Come on" he said and bended down so she could climb on his shell so he would carry her gently, she did so with ease and watched him carry her towards a door that brings her confusion and hope.

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