Chapter 24 Battle at home

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It took about a few weeks before the puppies were ready to come with them on the plane to get back to New York, Jasmine couldn't help but to hold them in her arms while the plane flew making Leo smile to her as she later on went to sleep making Leo look out to the sky for a moment before he too went to sleep at that moment, when he woke up it was to Jas screaming in fear making him look around to seeing that the plane was being attacked now that it landed "Jas!!" he yelled making her run to him with the puppies.

She was scared and trembling in fear when she got close enough for him to see her condition at the moment, Leo didn't know what to do but activate a signal to his brother Don for a rescue mission to him and Jas after that he had to hide and protect Jas with all he could until help comes for them "I WANT MY DAUGHTER!!" Hamato Yoshi yelled making Leo grab Jas and get her to the bedroom "Stay here and be very quiet" he explained making her quickly nod as tears ran down her face at the moment, he didn't know what to do at the moment about all of this... But he at least needed to get enough time for his brother's to come and help him.

The fear was coursing through his veins as he waited for Yoshi or someone to come in and attack, he pulled out his katana's and got into position to fight then... He waited for the attack to come "You will not have Jasmine, she is happy with me and you can't do anything about it" Leo said making Yoshi laugh at him and his words "My daughter is a well trained kunoichi, she is at the level of an assassin to say the least" Yoshi claimed making Leo think of it as a lie, Jasmine couldn't even punch his brother when they brought her in so it was impossible that she could kill someone.

"Lies! Jasmine can't be able to kill!! She was way too weak to even pin someone to the ground because of the way you treated her for years" he claimed making Yoshi once more laugh at him "Oh? Well that is because it was how we made her look. Weak and starved to death so you may take care of her before she kills you all" Yoshi explained as Leo shakes his head of the lies as Jas tried to listen on what was being said at the moment as her eyes widen at the sight of Yoshi walking inside of the plane making her hide from his view at the moment while still being able to see him and Leo as she worries for him the most.

"Liar!! You only say this so I can abandon the one I love so you harm and rape her once more!!" Leo claimed making Jas begin to cry as the puppies were sleeping at the moment making her able to go over to Leo and hold him close as she glared towards Yoshi "Monster" she spat at him making Yoshi glare back to her in anger of her words, he raised a hand as he was ready to hit her... But a shuriken was stabbed into his hand which made him scream from it as Mikey and Donnie ran in with Raph grabbing the puppies as they then fled the plane to a car that drove back to the Foot base making Jas sigh in relief.

"Stubborn bastard" Raph sneered making Jas set her head on Leo's shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her body for comfort "Everything will be alright" he said making her nod as she smiled and went to sleep moments later, when they arrived Leo carried Jas inside with Raph holding the puppies "This way, Master Saki changed your room location" Donnie explained making Leo look at them confused but still followed with Jas sleeping still as Mikey jumped in joy of this, when they got to the door Mikey slowly opened it as Leo went inside only to be shocked... The room was twice as big as his old one with much more space "You also have a larger bathroom with it's own hot spring bath" Donnie explained.

Leo still looked around as all of his things were there but with larger furniture, TV, bigger closet and an even bigger bed! Jas and him could now cuddle there more often "But what about you three?" Leo asked as he sets Jas in bed "Not yet, were still working on a few things but you needed it more with Jas and the puppies" Raph explained as he sets them down as they both ran around to look at the place making Leo smile, he felt bad for his brother's but then there was the puppies and Jas who needed so much more than what his old room had making him then look at his brother's "Thank you, this is an amazing gift you have given us and I will not forget anytime soon" Leo said making his brother's smile.

The trio walked out, leaving Leo to care for the puppies and then join Jas in bed to sleep for a bit making him smile at her, Jas woke up moments later to seeing Leo sleeping making her wonder what happened and then when she saw the room she wondered where she was "It's our new room now" Leo mumbled making Jas look at him as he woke up from his nap as he had only gotten to sleep moments ago making her smile to him "Did you sleep well?" he asked making her nod slowly to him as her answer making him nod back to her, he slowly sat up making her do the same as she then nuzzled his face slightly "Me want... Baby with... Leo" she then spoke making him look at her in slight surprise to what she requested until he smiles and then nods to her.

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