Chapter 31 "Not wanted freaks"

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"There yet?" Jas asked as Raph drove "Not yet Jas, but remember that you and Karai are to stay here, Rose needs you to be safe and Karai can't fight so you need to stay in here for now while we take care of things" Leo explained making Jasmine nod as Karai slept beside her like Rose was doing in her arms at the moment. Jas simply nodded as she then watched Donnie set some medical equipment ready for any sort of problem while Mikey made sure all there weapons were good and ready to be used for battle that was sure to come to them.

"Make sure everything is good to go Mikey, you never know what we might need to use in the end to win" Leo said as he didn't see Mikey nod and prepare some pouches of powder that Jas saw, her eyes had widen at the smell of the powder as she knew what it was. She didn't like it but she knew it was there choice to have some with them and she would leave it at that for now as she then snuck two pouches towards her and Karai without Mikey seeing as she set Rose in Karai's arms as Jas moved to help Mikey, he smiled to her as she worked to quickly replace the pouches she took and make some extra for herself and Karai.

When Mikey believed enough was made, he closed the box as she put the extra pouches with the two she took while watching where he placed the box. She believed it would be useful soon enough "We should be there soon enough" Raph said making Leo nod as he moved to hold Jas close to him at the moment, he knew that if things didn't go as planned... He would lose Jas and his life with many others with him, so he had to be careful in each step he takes to make sure that the faith Hamato Yoshi believes he and his brother's, Jas and clan want's them to have won't come to pass.

Raph then stopped the vehicle making Leo look to see a figure at the entrance making him look at his brothers "Let's go see who this is" he said making them nod as they took what they needed and got out, Leo kissed Jasmine's forehead before looking at her and Rose with a kind smile "Make sure to be safe" he said making her nod as he closed the doors as Jas then placed Rose with Karai and grabbed the box Mikey used. The four brothers walked towards the city entrance as a guy wearing only black, a hockey mask and in a golf bag were hockey sticks as he held one in hand at the moment "Welcome, freaks to New York city... Where you will not enter" the guy said.

Leo didn't understand who the guy was and Raph didn't much like him at the moment as he ran towards him at that moment, the guy didn't have time to react as he was punched. His mask broke at the blow as he landed on the ground "Who are you and what are you doing waiting out here?" Leo asked in an order tone as the guy wobbled while standing back up and glaring at him "The names Casey Jones, I was ordered by Hamato Splinter to watch the entrance for you four... And to make sure you don't get to the trade point on time so the Foot clan can be killed" Casey explained.

There eyes widen to this "Hamato Splinter? We only know a Hamato Yoshi who captured Jasmine and raped her" Donnie said making Mikey nod as Jas peaked from the front of the car to see what was going on "Hamato Yoshi is Hamato Splinter, he got mutated some years back after he adopted four little girls who got mutated by the kraang" Casey explained making there eyes widen, Casey then realized how much info he told and knew that if Splinter finds out he would be killed by him like his dad was leaving his little sister alone to care for herself.

"Let us pass, Hamato Splinter has gone insane for power and he must be stopped" Leo said as Raph glared at Casey who glared back... He then swung the stick at Raph who blocked it as the two began to fight against one another at that moment "There still at it?" Karai asked as she slowly walked over to Jas with Rose in her arms "Boy hard... To stop" she replied making Karai nod "Thank you for healing my wounds... I'll be able to help in battle now" Karai said as she no longer wore any bandages or even looked injured now making Jas smile, the box Mikey put away had many herbs and powders that she was able to use on Karai to get better.

"I help them now" Jas said making Karai nod "Be careful" Karai said making Jas nod as she quickly ran out and dashed towards Casey to lightly blow a powder to his face, in a matter of seconds he crumbled to the ground in pain as he held his throat before no longer moving... Or breathing "You killed him?" Mikey asked as Jas turned to them and nodded "He... Slow, he make sure... Sisters lose against him... In anything with time" she tried to explain making them nod in understanding "Let's get going then, we need to be quick and get to the docks before were too late" Leo said making them nod and get inside the car where Karai and Rose waited at the moment as Donnie took over to drive.

"How did you heal?" Mikey asked Karai as she looked towards Jas "She did it, she used some herbs and powders to do it" Karai explained while pointing to the box Mikey used first while in the car, his eyes widen as he went to open it and look inside to see what was used... But only small amounts that were hard to notice were used making him understand that Jas calculated how much to use from the start "Well then, were now 6 to be able to fight... But Jas you need to watch over Rose in here so no more leaving the car alright?" Leo asked making Jas nod with a smile as they then once more stopped... For a red haired girl was in there way now.

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