Chapter 36 Final battle

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Splinter slowly walked over to them as he smirked and faintly chuckled... And Jas couldn't help but scream at how ugly of a monster he had become to look, he was no longer the mutant rat father she once grew up with... He was a monster with his arms and legs no longer being the same "It would seem you made it on time in the end" Splinter said as the group got ready to fight as April was now better "I am so disappointed in the two of you. Turning against me of all people" he continued as Jas noticed Saki and his men as he held in his arms Tang Shen fully awake and watching her.

None of them knew what to do, Splinter was watching them right now most likely trying to figure out his next move at the moment on them, with quick steps she moved to attack Splinter who raised his hand at her "You dare attack me? You will only die by my hands" Splinter said as he swung his hand at her... Only for it to hit solid ground "What?!" he claimed as he looked around for her without a single trace of her scent or form of any kind, they all begin looking around without knowing that Jas was up on a roof watching them all and see what she can do to end this fight... Only knowing that Splinter's death is the only option to go with to save everyone "Gotta move quick" she mumbled as she looked around in hopes of finding something that can help her.

When she saw Oroku Saki looking at her, she quickly jumped towards him while keeping hidden "Use this to defeat him" he whispered as he pulled out a dagger that had poison on it making her nod as she moved away quickly to get to a roof to figure out what she should do now as she then pulled her yumi and an arrow out to fire at Splinter in hopes it would make him get hurt at least a bit... But it bounced off him to her shock as he laughed and turned to her "You cannot hurt me... Girls attack!!" he said as her three so call sister's appeared to battle them, the battle began making Jas turn to see April keeping Rose safe by staying away from the battle at the moment making her move into battle to help against the girls.

"You did well" Leo said as Jas got behind him "No I didn't, I just showed that he can't be hurt" she replied as Leo turned to face her "Maybe, but you tried to do it still" he said making her smile and nod as they moved to battle, Karai and Mikey were taking care of Katrinna, Raph helped Donnie with Novaflor leaving Milana to Leo and Jas to battle now, the two moved in sync towards defeating Mila at the moment which as she fell down made her grow scared as she tried her best to get away from them at the moment only to be tied up like her sister's... But she was kept far from them so they couldn't work together to be released at the moment "And then there was one" Raph mumbled with a smirk making Jas smile in return as they faced Splinter.

She pulled out her Kyoketshu-Shogei for the battle as Splinter yelled in anger as he then ran towards them to try and kill one of them in a single blow, but they all moved away to try and move around to get close and hurt him in any sort of way as they could barely cut in his skin making Jas wonder if the dagger will go in to end his life at long last, they worked hard together to harm Splinter... But all they could do was tired themselves and get hit here and there by him "We need help!" Leo yelled as they all got close "Maybe if we worked together to hit at certain spots... Maybe he'll get more damage?" Karai suggested making Leo nod as the previous teams moved around to cut in Splinter.

"Give up" Splinter began as he tried punching Raph "None of you will be able to end me, or even slow me down with simple wounds like these" he laughed as he slammed Karai close to Saki and Tang Shen, she was no longer able to fight leaving the turtles and Jas the last one to fight "I am stronger than before, to me this battle against you five... Is childs play now" he smirked as he almost squashed Mikey in the ground if Donnie hadn't pulled him out of the way, Jas looked around "There must be a way to defeat him" Raph mumbled from beside her as Leo moved towards them with Mikey and Donnie "There's just no end to this! If this keeps up he will win once were tired out!" Mikey claimed as Jas stared at something... That was giving her an idea to finish this battle.

At last she did it... But at what cost? She can't think about that for now, this battle had to end now so she had to make this quick and cross her fingers that there will be no damage done to any of them "I got an idea" she whispered making them look at her as she looked over her shoulder "But i'll need help to distract him long enough for me to get him" she said making them nod as they all moved, quickly she acted and moved to the roof that was behind Splinter, to her luck he wasn't in the right spot for her to act so she tried to wave at them to try and get him to move towards where she wanted, Mikey saw this and began to work with Donnie's help making her smile as she waited... And then she jumped to stab him with the dagger to the back of his neck.

He screamed in pain as he grabbed her... And threw her into a brick wall, Leo ran towards her with April close behind as the others moved to watch as Splinter slowly went down as he struggles to survive as the poison courses through his body, Leo tried to keep Jas awake as Saki called for the medical ninja's to help Jas quickly before something worse happens to her, Splinter began to crawl to try and grab Mikey to at least kill him to get a bit of his revenge as his daughter's screamed to him to get up and that it wasn't over... As his body went limp and he closed his eyes... While taking his last breath of life on the planet.

Foot halfbreed slaves of the turtlesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora