Chapter 20 Linked pain

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After a while Jas quickly got away of Leo and towards Donnie to be safe, it had made sense since what happened earlier between her and Leo, Raph then decided to take her back to get some rest and while it was in Leo's room, none of them were prepared to have her share there room at the moment so they had to bring her back to Leo's room, Jas wasn't all that happy to be back in the room with what happened in it not long ago "I know you don't like this but... you need a place to be in that is safe, and Leo's room is the best with that for now" Raph told Jas as she trembled and nodded.

Leo was seated with Saki and Donnie, the two were very disappointed in Leo for his actions and words at the moment, Raph and Mikey came in moments later with Karai and Samuel "Jas was rapped by someone who was able to sneak in and capture both her and Leo. Once back, Jas was brought to Leo's room while he was examined, when Jasmine woke up she was scared of male contact which was taken the wrong way by Leonardo who then went into being cold towards Jas making her now fully reject him in any sort of contact. While he does know what happened we can't figure out what is to be done" Donnie explained making them all look at Leo in all sorts of emotions for what he did to Jas.

Leo simply looked down in shame, he only wanted to help Jas but she only rejected his efforts without even giving him a chance to help in any sort of way, because of this his anger took over and he let it out on her as she was the reason for his anger at the moment, he decided to get out not wanting to listen anymore at all of this as he didn't want to be brought more into the fact that what he did to Jas was wrong in all kinds of ways making him go straight to his room where Jas was in his bed making her eyes widen towards him "I just need to take a shower" he said and quickly walked in his bathroom to not have Jas fear him even more then she did now.

"Leo?" he turned to her just before he got in, she stood up and slowly walked to him, he decided to hold her head in his hands gently "I'm so sorry. I wasn't even thinking about the pain you might have been in this whole time" he explained making her slowly start to cry and nod in understanding to his words, he pulled her close to be in his arms as he gently walked into the bathroom so they could take a shower together making Jas lightly blush towards him at that moment "Leo... nice" she then said making Leo smile to her as they got in, he started the water and then went to washing her body, ears and tail as her hair takes a bit longer to take care of at the moment.

Jas smiled and purred in joy to Leo and what he was doing at the moment, he then once done got to cleaning himself as she worked on cleaning his shell making Leo churr in pleasure to her actions, once both clean Leo first got out to wrap Jas in a towel before both of them got cold and dry making Jasmine watch him as he did so at the moment, once at his bed Jas was to sit on it as he gently brushed her hair of any extra water before he would dry it making her at times have her ears twitch as Leo then dried her hair which also made her purr out to him to be touched making him gently touch her neck making her feel a full body shiver each time he did it to her in pleasure making Leo smile to her "I promise to you to keep you safe this time" he whispered making Jas turn to look at him.

"Leo my... hero" she then said, his eyes widen at her words as he didn't understand why she would say that after what he had done earlier today, he then nuzzled her neck gently to take in her scent at the moment and was happy to not smell Hamato Yoshi on her at all "Do you wish to get some sleep?" he asked making her lightly nod and slightly pull on his sleeve as her way of saying 'Please stay with me as I sleep' making him smile and nod to her, Leo then helped Jas get tucked into the sheets making her smile as she slowly closed her eyes leaving Leo to simply watch over her sleeping form as he held his reinjured side from the pain that pulsed from it as time went on at the moment.

He didn't know why, but it was strange that her sister's were able to escape and that Hamato Yoshi was able to sneak into his room without waking him the whole time, he decided that once Jasmine wakes up he would ask her about it after making sure she was better from the whole thing that happened to them, he slowly joined her in bed to simply cuddle with her above him slightly so to not injure him more then he was at the moment and slowly went to sleep with her, Mikey, Raph and Don had left the meeting to go check on Jas to see how she was doing at the moment "Maybe just try to keep her away from all of this for now? So Leo can try to understand what he did and we can also know more about what happened?" Mikey suggested making them slowly open the door to Leo's room only to find Jas sleeping on top of Leo, both of them with smiles on there faces making them shut the door and leave them be as they heal together from the incident.

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