Chapter 3 Can't read or write

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Inside his room he sat her on his bed and went towards his bathroom to start a bath for her, he felt like for now this would be the first step in trying to understand why those three girl's left her in the alley and not go to see if she was alright "Let's get you cleaned up first, you look like you haven't taken a bath in a long time" he said making her eyes look sad and guilty making him realize that it was true, she hadn't taken a bath in a long time and now she felt truly bad about herself for not being clean at the moment "Do you not, take baths or shower everyday?" he asked as her eyes stayed the same, her sister's would always tell her that getting clean is only for those who were strong and if she couldn't show she was she couldn't get clean and it was hard for they would make her do hard tasks and it was rare for her to finish them all to get clean later on from them and get some sleep "You, you're to take one everyday, i'll ask if you did but if you tell me no you need to take one" he explained as the order worked it's way into her mind.

She slowly moved to the bathroom with a slight look of worry towards him as her eyes filled with different emotions, Leonardo watch those feelings and tried to understand them all "If you want, I can go in the bathroom with you to watch or help you clean" he said simply as her tail curved a bit as she nodded, he told her he wouldn't look as she undressed making her look at him confused and then to the bath before making the imitation of emptying a bucket on her "You get clean by being thrown water on you from a bucket?" he asked as she nodded, this meant that she never undressed before to then take a bath also that the clothes she wore are the only one she had this whole time "I'm going to help you with a bath, then were going to get you new clothes" he mumbled making her confused as he helped her undress and then into the bath to slowly clean her up which made her look at him as he slowly worked on her skin to get the grim and dirt off her as best he could at the moment.

She watched in confusion, no one has ever done this to her before at all so she wondered the reason as to why he would do such a thing to her, she thought to be the same as at home yet the way he treats her makes her think otherwise for now but she wasn't so sure with the times the smart turtle told them of what she had as it confused her slightly more then before now as her stomach made an odd sound she had never heard of before making Leonardo look at her in surprise as the sound came back once more making him chuckle "After you get new clothes we get you some food" he said making her eyes sparkle at the word 'food' the last meal she had was moldy leftover bread ended up making her sick and that was about a few days before she was taken by the turtles, she was still confused of everything happening to her at the moment but if this turtle told her what they would do then maybe it was all true.

"Would you tell me your name?" he asked as she then looked at him confused a name? she never heard that before, well the three girls do get called something like she does as for there father but a name? Leonardo saw this as he went to get a pen and some paper and wrote his name and then the question but all it did was her not react to the words "Can you, understand what is said on the paper?" he asked as she looked at him confused once again with no idea as to what he did on the paper, she saw odd symbols on it but understood nothing as she looked at him confused and in silence as he then helped her out of the bath to get her dry and handed her a simple kimono as he went out of his room to get a ninja to find his brother's and tell them where to find him "Come on" he said and held her hand gently and guided her down a few halls making her look at them slowly as he brought her to a large room, it was even bigger then her home with all kinds of fabric for clothes that she really wanted to touch a few.

But she wasn't allowed yet, this was her new master and he had only told her to come with him to the room, nothing more was said so she didn't know if she was allowed to touch anything as he went to speak with someone, the girl had long black hair and bright brown eyes and she was pretty truly pretty that it made her wonder about if her master was with the girl as the girl came over to her "Venus is going to get you some new clothes so listen to her" her master said as she nodded making him smile to her and walked out of the room leaving her with Venus who was watching her as she looked at the fabrics "Why don't you look at them and show me the ones you like" Venus explained making the halfbreed nod and move around to look making Venus smile as she went to ten fabrics and kept going as Venus thought of many outfits for her each times she choose a new fabric she truly likes and smiled as she went to work on her mission.

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